Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 National Report

The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.

Patients’ Comments

Qualitative data is a term which is used to describe text-based or “wordy” data. A benefit of this type of data is that it allows for gaining a deeper insight into individual experience. The current survey included 3 free-text questions, asking patients to comment on; what was good about their care, what could have been improved and any other comments. Table 1 shows the order in which the questions were asked and the number of responses / no responses for each question.

Table 1: Comment Box Response Counts
Other Comments Number of Responses (%) Number of Blanks/No Responses (%)
What was particularly good about your care? 3,098 (93%) 223 (7%)
What could have been improved? 2,300 (69%) 1,021 (31%)
Any other comments? 1,567 (47%) 1,754 (53%)
Table 2: Positive, Mixed and Negative Response Counts
Other Comments Positive Comment Mixed Comment Negative Comment Other Comment
What was particularly good about your care? 2,883 147 32 36
What could have been improved? 457 55 1,754 24
Any other comments? 757 142 533 135

Data Analysis

There were more positive (4,097) than negative (2,319) comments left across the free-text survey questions, with fewer participants leaving a mixed (334) comment or other (195) comment. The positive comments left were often shorter, broader and were more often in consensus with other patients compared to the negative comments which, although were less abundant, were often longer, and more detailed in their presentation.

Table 3 lists all key themes across the qualitative analysis together, as well as their individual counts and the percentage of responses which had a code linked to the theme were an overall positive, mixed or negative response.

Table 3: Key themes for both Positive and Negative Comments
Theme Name Code Count % Positive % Mixed % Negative
Positive Theme 1: Supportive Care 2,807 92% 7% 1%
Positive Theme 2: Positive Staff Interactions 1,467 94% 5% 1%
Positive Theme 3: Appreciative for a Positive Process 1,419 96% 3% 1%
Positive Theme 4: Efficiency of Processes 1,248 96% 4% 0%
Positive Theme 5: Knowledge Sharing and Interaction 758 97% 3% 0%
Negative Theme 1: Hospital Experience 972 2% 11% 86%
Negative Theme 2: Information and Exchanges 885 1% 7% 92%
Negative Theme 3: System Difficulties and Barriers to Care 846 12% 16% 72%
Negative Theme 4: Organisation and Timing of Care 794 1% 9% 90%
Negative Theme 5: Care and Support Needs 774 1% 7% 92%

As there was cross-over between each question in terms of the nature of the response (i.e. sometimes there were positive and negative comments in the same response box), the positive and negative aspects within the mixed comments were segmented into positive and negative categories for purposes of analysis, but the same positive / negative aspect was never counted twice. The results will be presented by each main response category respectively – positive, negative, and other.



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