Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 National Report

The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.

Getting diagnosed

Earlier diagnosis is a critical issue in Scotland and is widely recognised as significant in improving peoples’ chances of surviving cancer.

People contacting a healthcare professional or their General Practice:

  • 72% of people contacted a healthcare professional or their General Practice within 3 months of noticing that something could be wrong.
  • 28% did so at least 3 months after noticing.

Number of consultations:

  • 60% of people saw a healthcare professional at their General Practice about the health problem caused by cancer once or twice, before being told they needed to go to hospital about cancer.
  • 20% saw the healthcare professional at least 3 times.
  • 20% did not see anyone at the General Practice.

Of those seeing a healthcare professional at the General Practice before going to the hospital:

  • 78% felt they were seen as soon as they thought was necessary.
  • 13% felt they should have been seen a bit sooner.
  • 9% felt they should have been seen a lot sooner.

Survey recipients were asked to think about the first time they had a diagnostic test for cancer, such as an endoscopy, biopsy, mammogram or scan:

  • 86% of people said they have received all the information they needed about their test beforehand.
  • 14% would have liked more written and / or verbal information.

These proportions were the same in 2018.

Asking whether the results of the first diagnostic test were explained in a way they could understand:

  • 76% of people answered “yes, completely”
  • 21% responded “yes, to some extent”
  • 3% responded that they did not understand the explanation or did not have an explanation, but they would have liked to have one.

These proportions were the same in 2018.

What people had to say about the diagnosis process:

“…I am thankful for the routine screening programme Scotland has for breast cancer as I had no symptoms and my cancer would not have been discovered at an early stage if it were not for the screening programme in place…”

“From receiving letter after bowel screening results the further investigations were done in a short time space and discussions with all health professionals, nurses, radiography and consultant were done in a sensitive manner and clear to understand…”

“Having attended initial GP appointment with visible symptoms of cancer and then being sent away, experienced a wait of approx. six months before obtaining an appointment with another doctor, who then made the referral.”

“I found the [diagnostic test] to be a traumatic experience. I really wasn't prepared for it and don't believe that the information given was sufficient…”



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