Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 National Report

The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.

Deciding the best treatment

Individual treatment plans should be based on individual risk assessment, choice and expected outcome. We asked for information on how the treatment plan was decided. Before the treatment started:

  • 84% said that the treatment options were completely explained.
  • 14% said they were explained to some extent.
  • 2% of people have not had treatment options explained.
  • 79% of people said they were completely involved in discussions with healthcare professionals about the right treatment options (similar to 2018).
    • 18% were involved in such discussions to some extent (16% in 2018).
    • 3% were not involved in discussions with healthcare professionals about the right treatment options (4% in 2018).

When asked whether the possible side effects of treatment(s) were explained in a way people could understand:

  • 74% responded “Yes, definitely”.
  • 23% responded “Yes, to some extent”.
  • 3% responded “No, but I would have liked an explanation”.

We asked whether they were offered practical advice or support in dealing with the treatments' side effects:

  • 67% were offered practical advice or support in dealing with the treatments' side effects, similar to 2018 (64% in 2015).
  • 27% were offered practical advice or support in dealing with the treatments' side effects to some extent (similar to 2018 and 2015).
  • 6% were not offered any practical advice or support in dealing with the treatments' side effects (8% in 2018 and 9% in 2015).

When asked whether people were told, before starting their treatment(s), about side-effects of the treatment that could affect people in the future rather than straight away:

  • 59% responded “Yes, definitely”.
  • 30% responded “Yes, to some extent”.
  • 10% responded “No, but I would have liked an explanation”.

What people had to say about deciding the best treatment:

“…The oncologist that I had was great at explaining the treatment and helping me to make decisions based on the options on what treatment route to take after the operation and the information I received from the tumour results…”

“All the information I received was clear concise and measured. Everything was clearly explained and I had an in-depth knowledge of the cancer surgery and after treatment…”

“…Surgeon could have provided some guidance on the best treatment plan for my age, results etc., instead they told me they wouldn’t give any advice, the decision was mine. That wasn’t ideal having just been told I had cancer.”

“I know every person reacts differently to treatment but severity of possible side effects could be detailed a bit more.”



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