Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 National Report

The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.

Operations, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

3,319 respondents (73%) had an operation, such as removal of a tumour or lump, for cancer; 2,077 (46%) had radiotherapy treatment and 2,009 (46%) had chemotherapy treatment.

Information around the operation

  • Of those who wanted information about their operation beforehand, 90% of people responded that they had all the information they needed, while 10% would have liked more written and verbal information.
  • 81% of people said they had a member of staff explaining how the operation went in a way they could completely understand, 16% had an explanation they could understand to some extent, and 3% did not have such explanation, but would have liked it.
  • 85% of people were given clear written information about what they should or should not do after the operation, higher than in 2018 (80%).

Information received before having radiotherapy and chemotherapy

  • 77% of people responded had all the information they needed about their radiotherapy treatment beforehand.
  • 73% of people responded had all the information they needed about their chemotherapy treatment beforehand.

What people had to say about operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy:

“During this six month period I received full literature on the types of treatment I was receiving and face to face consultations with the specialists to allow me to ask specific questions regarding my treatment. This greatly helped with my mental health well being in preparing me through my journey...”

“…On the day of my operation my [family member] was allowed to stay with me until I went to theatre, everything was explained by the surgeon and anaesthetist to us both…Follow up by the surgeon and anaesthetist was excellent, everything explained how the operation went...”

“I felt at times I was not fully told or had a comprehensive explanation of my treatment, which makes you self guess what is going on, which isn't the best way.”

“I should have received information on what would happen when going for my operation…”



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