Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 Technical Report

This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2024 Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey (SCPES), including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

Annex A – New questions for the 2024 survey

Question number Topic Question Text
Introduction Deciding the best treatment for you Individual treatment plans should be based on individual risk assessment, choice and expected outcome. When any of these factors change, the best treatment for you may also change, but this should always be discussed before decisions are made.
32 Wider Support During your cancer treatment, were you given enough care and support from health or social services, for any of the following issues:
32a Wider Support Mobility
32b Wider Support Washing / Dressing
32c Wider Support Usual activities (work, study, housework, shopping, cooking, family or leisure activities)
32d Wider Support Eating
32e Wider Support Managing medications
32f Wider Support Pain / Discomfort
32g Wider Support Mental or emotional wellbeing
34 Wider Support After your cancer treatment, were you given enough care and support from health or social services, for any of the following issues:
34a Wider Support Mobility
34b Wider Support Washing / Dressing
Question number Topic Question Text
34c Wider Support Usual activities (work, study, housework, shopping, cooking, family or leisure activities)
34d Wider Support Eating
34e Wider Support Managing medications
34f Wider Support Pain / Discomfort
34g Wider Support Mental or emotional wellbeing
36 Information and Other Support Looking back, did you fully understand what you were told about the impact of cancer and / or its treatment on your day-to-day activities?
41 Information and Other Support Do you feel you were supported practically, emotionally or psychologically by charity, voluntary or community groups after your cancer treatment?
47 Your Overall Experience How far did you have to travel for each of the following, and how did you travel? Please tick all that apply and leave those that do not apply blank.
49 Your Overall Experience When you were not able to bring someone with you to an appointment or test, were alternative arrangements made so they could support you (e.g., were they able to join by phone or video call, or was a written summary of the discussion provided)?
50 Your Overall Experience How did the health and care team communicate with you at each stage?
51 Your Overall Experience What would have been your preferred method of communication for each of these
56 Other Comments If there is anything else you would like to say about any aspect of your experiences of cancer care in Scotland, please do so on the following page.
56a Other Comments What was particularly good about your care?
56b Other Comments What could have been improved?
Question number Topic Question Text
56c Other Comments Any other comments?
60 About You Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?
62 About You Does your condition or illness / do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?



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