Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 Technical Report

This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2024 Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey (SCPES), including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

Annex C – Questions that were removed from the survey in 2024

2018 Question Number 2018 Question Text Comment
11 If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the lead-up to your cancer diagnosis, or the way you found out you had cancer, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
17 Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment? Question removed due to little use being made of the results.
18 If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the way decisions were made about your treatment, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
28 If there is anything else you would like to tell us about your operation / radiotherapy / chemotherapy treatment, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
30 The last time you received hospital treatment for your cancer, did the healthcare professionals caring for you call you by your preferred name? Question removed due to the vast majority of respondents answering the same way.
34 If there is anything else you would like to tell us about the care you received when you were in hospital for cancer care, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
38 Do you think your GP Practice did everything they could to support you while you were having cancer treatment? Question removed due to little use being made of the results.
39 During your cancer treatment, have you been given enough care and support from health or social services, for example district nurses, home carers or physiotherapists? Question removed due to little use being made of the results.
40 Once your cancer treatment finished were you given enough care and support from health or social services? Question replaced with more detailed questions on care and support received.
44 Did healthcare professionals give your family or someone close to you all the information they needed to help care for you at home? Question replaced with more detailed questions on care and support received.
2018 Question Number 2018 Question Text Comment
45 Do you feel you have been supported emotionally and psychologically by healthcare professionals during your cancer treatment? Replaced with more detailed questions on support.
46 During your cancer treatment, have you been given information or support from third sector organisations, such as charities or voluntary / community groups? Question replaced with more detailed questions on care and support received.
49 If there is anything else you would like to tell us about any of the support you received during your cancer care, including from your GP Practice and third sector organisations, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
55 Overall, how would you rate the communication around how long appointments relating to your cancer care would take? Replaced with more detailed questions on communication.
61 If there is anything else you would like to say about your experiences of cancer care, please do so here. Free-text comments are now grouped together at the end of the survey and have been restructured so that respondents provide more useful feedback.
62 What best describes your gender? Information on sex is now linked from administrative sources.



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