Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024 Technical Report

This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2024 Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey (SCPES), including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

Survey Response

Response Rates

The response rate is calculated as the number of forms returned as a percentage of the number of eligible survey invite letters sent out.

Of the 8,800 invite letters initially mailed out, 16 people had moved, 124 people died during fieldwork and 20 were deemed ineligible for other reasons. After excluding these groups, 8,640 people were eligible to complete the survey. 10 people completed their questionnaire before dying. These responses are included in both the final eligible group and the completed surveys figure.

We received 4,540 completed surveys back, which gives a response rate of 53%. This is lower than the response rate achieved in the 2018 survey (62%).

The fall in the response rate is consistent with response rate trends seen in other surveys. The move to ‘push to online’ methodology, where the initial mailing encouraged survey recipients to complete the survey online and did not include a paper questionnaire may partially explain the fall in response rates. The benefit of the ‘push to online’ methodology is reduced mailing costs. Sampling from more up date databases so that there was a shorter period between hospital admission and being invited to complete the survey was expected to help survey response.

This section describes the differences in response rates by a range of variables.

Response Rates by Age Group

The response rate was the highest among the 65-74 age group (60%) and the lowest among the 16-64 age group (45%).

Table 2: Those aged 65-74 were more likely to respond to the survey

Response rate by age group

Age Group Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
16-64 3,715 1,684 45%
65-74 2,674 1,610 60%
75 plus 2,251 1,246 55%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Response Rates by Sex

Table 3: Men were more likely to respond to the survey.

Response rate by sex

Sex Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
Female 4,714 2,439 52%
Male 3,925 2,101 54%
Unknown 1 - 0%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Response Rates by NHS Board of Residence

Response rates by the NHS Board of residence ranged from 48% in NHS Forth Valley and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde to 68% in NHS Borders.

Table 4: NHS Borders had the highest response rate

Response rate by NHS Board of residence

NHS Board of Residence Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 635 320 50%
NHS Borders 201 136 68%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 223 126 57%
NHS Fife 613 318 52%
NHS Forth Valley 420 200 48%
NHS Grampian 932 537 58%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 1,925 921 48%
NHS Highland 581 320 55%
NHS Lanarkshire 1,089 529 49%
NHS Lothian 1,325 748 56%
NHS Tayside 555 305 55%
NHS Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles 141 80 57%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Response Rates by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

Generally, response rates were higher from less deprived areas. A response rate of 40% was achieved for the most deprived quintile, while the least deprived quintile had a response rate of 59%. The highest response rate was in quintile 4 with 60% (Table 5).

Table 5: The most deprived areas had the lowest response rate.

Response rate by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Quintile

SIMD Quintile Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
1 (most deprived) 1,524 608 40%
2 1,626 769 47%
3 1,871 1,007 54%
4 1,798 1,074 60%
5 (least deprived) 1,821 1,082 59%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Response Rates by 6-fold Urban/Rural Classification

The response rate was lowest in Large Urban Areas (49%) and highest in Accessible Rural and Remote Rural (both at 57%) (Table 6).

Table 6: Large Urban Areas had the lowest response rate.

Response rate by 6-fold Urban/Rural Classification

Urban/Rural Classification Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
Large Urban Areas 2,929 1,445 49%
Other Urban Areas 2,954 1,557 53%
Accessible Small Towns 792 430 54%
Remote Small Towns 261 138 53%
Accessible Rural 1,129 643 57%
Remote Rural 575 327 57%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Response Rates by Cancer Group

The response rate by Cancer Group ranged from 44% for ‘other’ cancers to 57% for prostate cancer (Table 7). Other cancers include sarcomas, secondary cancers, malignant neoplasm of gall bladder and/or malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract, malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa, and any other rarer cancers which are not classed as Less Survivable Cancers within the 2023 to 2033 Cancer Strategy for Scotland. Lung and oesophageal cancers are also classed as Less Survivable Cancers within the 2023 to 2033 Cancer Strategy for Scotland, however we have a sufficient number of responses from these groups to be able to report on them separately.

Table 7: The highest response rate was from people with Prostate Cancer

Response rate by Cancer Group

Cancer Group Total number of forms sent out Number of responses Response rate
Breast 2,043 1,154 56%
Colorectal / Lower Gastrointestinal 1,388 730 53%
Gynaecological 702 355 51%
Haematological 746 395 53%
Head and Neck 514 250 49%
Less Survivable Cancers 256 123 48%
Lung 593 283 48%
Oesophageal 146 68 47%
Other 141 62 44%
Prostate 1,217 693 57%
Skin 306 160 52%
Urological 588 267 45%
Total 8,640 4,540 53%

Method of Response

More than half (56%) of responses were submitted through the online questionnaire (Table 8). 33 telephone completions were submitted (1% of responses) and 1,970 (43%) paper responses were returned by post. No returns were completed through the language line.

Table 8: More than half of responses were submitted online

The number of questionnaires completed, broken down by mode of response.

Method of completion Number of questionnaires completed Questionnaires completed
Online 2,537 56%
Post 1,970 43%
Telephone 33 1%
Total 4,540 100%

About the respondents

The survey asks a number of questions about the characteristics of the survey respondents. Results for these questions are presented unweighted and are intended to illustrate the demographic profile of the survey respondents.

Excluding those who prefer not to say, 99% of respondents described themselves as straight / heterosexual, and 1% of respondents described themselves as another sexual orientation. Those who described themselves as bisexual, gay or lesbian, or other sexual orientation have been grouped into other sexual orientation to ensure that the number of responses in each category for this question is greater than 50.

Table 9: The vast majority of respondents described themselves as straight / heterosexual

Question 57: Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
Straight / Heterosexual 4,142 96%
Other sexual orientation 56 1%
Prefer not to say 121 3%
Total 4,319 100%

Excluding those who prefer not to say, 98% of respondents described their ethnicity as white.

Table 10: The majority of respondents described their ethnicity as white

Question 58: What is your ethnic group?

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
White 4,087 96%
Minority ethnic groups 69 2%
Prefer not to say 115 3%
Total 4,271 100%

For the purposes of the analysis presented above, 'Minority ethnic groups' includes 'Mixed or multiple ethnic groups', 'Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian', 'African, Scottish African or British African', 'Caribbean or Black', or 'Other ethnic group (any other ethnic group including Arab, Sikh, Jewish)'.

For the purposes of the analysis presented above, 'White' includes 'Gypsy/Traveller', 'Roma', 'Showman/Showwoman' and other white ethnic groups.

The majority (63%) of respondents described themselves as retired. 4% said that they couldn’t work due to cancer and 3% said they couldn’t work due to another illness or disability.

Table 11: The majority of respondents were retired

Question 59: What best describes your work status?

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
Employed (full or part time) 976 22%
Self-employed (full or part time) 242 5%
Don’t work due to cancer 194 4%
Don't work due to another illness or disability 147 3%
Retired 2,778 63%
Other 100 2%
Total 4,437 100%

Excluding those who prefer not to say, 58% of respondents said that they did not have a physical or mental health condition lasting or expecting to last 12 months or more.

Table 12: More than half of respondents said that they did not have a physical or mental health condition lasting or expecting to last 12 months or more.

Question 60: Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
Yes 1,739 41%
No 2,391 56%
Prefer not to say 148 3%
Total 4,278 100%

Those who said they had a physical or mental health condition lasting or expected to last 12 months or more were asked which condition or illness they were affected by. Respondents were able to tick more than one response option to this question, so the total number of responses is not equal to the sum of the individual conditions.

The most common answer was mobility (59%), followed by stamina or breathing, or fatigue (51%). The least common responses were vision (10%) and learning or understanding, or concentrating (11%). Detailed results are available in Table 13 below.

Table 13: The most common area affected by the respondents’ conditions was mobility

Question 61: Do any of these conditions or illnesses affect you in any of the following areas? Tick all that apply

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
Vision (for example, blindness or partial sight) 164 10%
Hearing (for example, deafness or partial hearing) 320 20%
Mobility (for example, walking short distances or climbing stairs) 955 59%
Dexterity (for example, lifting or carrying objects, or using a keyboard) 380 23%
Learning or understanding, or concentrating 177 11%
Memory 331 20%
Mental Health 395 24%
Stamina or breathing, or fatigue 830 51%
Other 314 19%
Prefer not to say 24 1%

Note: respondents can tick more than one option, so we have not provided the total number of responses.

Excluding those who prefer not to say, 86% of those with a physical or mental health condition lasting or expected to last 12 months or more said that it reduced their ability to carry out day-to-day activities.

Table 14: 14% of those with a long-term condition said that it did not reduce their ability to carry out day-to-day activities

Question 62: Does your condition or illness / do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?

Response Option Number of Responses Percentage
Yes, a lot 598 35%
Yes, a little 865 50%
Not at all 240 14%
Prefer not to say 23 1%
Total 1,726 100%



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