
Scottish Care Homes Census

The Scottish Care Home Census data are collected on an annual basis via an electronic system called eForms which is maintained by the Care Inspectorate.

Privacy notices

Privacy notice for care home managers

The Care Inspectorate collects the Scottish Care Homes Census data on behalf of the Scottish Government through their eform system. Public Health Scotland (PHS) are part of the NHS in Scotland and they analyse the Scottish Care Homes Census data on behalf of the Scottish Government.

The Care Inspectorate pass the Scottish Care Homes Census data securely to the Scottish Government, who then will share this data with PHS.

The collection and transfer, processing and sharing of this data will be done in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998), the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data relating to individuals.

The service level and individual resident-level data will be used by the Scottish Government, and by PHS to produce statistics.

The Scottish Government/PHS may share the Scottish Care Home Census information with the Local Authority, Health Board (NHS) or National Records of Scotland (NRS) for statistical purposes. The Scottish Care Home Census information will help all these organisations plan for future services.

The Scottish Government, PHS, Health Board (NHS), the local authority and NRS may join up the data you provide on your care home and residents to other data for example, other social care and health data. This is to produce statistical reports which will help all these organisations plan for future services.

All resident personal details will not appear in any statistical publications.

Every effort will be made to ensure that the information you provide about your care home and residents is kept secure at all times.

An example of the kinds of statistics that the information you provide is used for can be found in the previous Care Homes Census publication from Public Health Scotland.

Please ensure that your care home residents - and legal guardian/relative if appropriate - are aware of how their information is used by the Scottish Government, PHS, the Health Board, local authority and NRS. To help with this, a residents privacy notice is provided below.

If you would like more information, please get in touch with:

Social Care Analytical Unit
Health and Social Care Analysis Division
Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road Edinburgh

Privacy notice for care home residents (and legal guardian/relative if appropriate)

Your personal details and some information about your care may be shared by your care home with:

  • The Care Inspectorate (responsible for inspecting care homes)
  • The Scottish Government
  • Public Health Scotland (PHS), which is part of the NHS in Scotland
  • The local authority
  • National Records of Scotland (responsible for Scotland’s Population Census)

This is for statistical purposes.

This information will help the Scottish Government, PHS and the local authority plan for future care services. This will help improve services for you and others.

Your information may be joined to other information (for example other social care and health information) by the Scottish Government, PHS, the local authority and National Records of Scotland. This is to produce statistics only.

All pieces of information which could identify you, such as names and dates of birth, will be removed before it is used by statisticians.

Every effort will be made to ensure that your information is kept safe at all times.

Only people in the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, the local authority and National Records of Scotland who need to see your information will be able to access it.

You do not need to do anything. Your care home will provide the information on your behalf.

An example of the kinds of statistical reports the organisations produce is available on request either from your care home manager or from the Scottish Government.

If you would like more information, please get in touch using the details below.

Social Care Analysis Unit
Health & Social Care Analysis Division
Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road




If the guidance doesn’t answer your questions then you can contact the Care Inspectorate Contact Centre helpline on: 0345 600 9527.

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