
Scottish Carer's Assistance: consultation

Consultation on proposals for Scottish Carer’s Assistance, a new Scottish benefit which will replace Carer’s Allowance, and be delivered by Social Security Scotland.

Endnotes and references

1. Carers UK, Valuing Carers, 2015, Table 2.

2. Carers UK, Unseen and Undervalued: The value of unpaid care provided to date during the COVID-19 pandemic, November 2020.

3. Scottish Government, Scotland's Carers, March 2015.

4. Draft Carers Strategic Policy Statement, Scottish Government, September 2019.

5. Scotland Act 2016, Part 3, section 22. Also repeated in the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 at Schedule 2.

6. These powers allow the Scottish Government to pay benefits to people providing 'regular and substantial care' to 'a person to whom a disability benefit is normally payable'. Scotland Act 2016, Part 3, section 22. Also repeated in the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 at Schedule 2.

7. Summary statistics for Carer's Allowance Supplement, October eligibility date 2021 and Carer's Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance at August 2021, page 8.

8. Scottish Government, Support for carers: Policy position paper, February 2019.

9. More information on Carer's Allowance Supplement at

10. More information on Young Carer Grant at

11. Young Carer Grant: high level statistics to 31 October 2021, December 2021.

12. The evaluation of Carer's Allowance Supplement was published by Scottish Government in November 2020. The Interim Evaluation of Young Carer Grant was published by Scottish Government in August 2021.

13. More information about the Scottish Fiscal Commission is available on their website.

14. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 5, Social Security.

15. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 2 Fiscal overview, figure 2.4: Social security net position and new payments.

16. The Carers (Scotland) Act defines a 'carer' as an individual who provides or intends to provide care for another individual, other than care provided to a person under 18 years old only as a result of their age, or care provided as part of a contract, or voluntary work.

17. 16 More about the Carer Positive scheme on their website.

18. Independent Review of Health and Social Care, published February 2021.

19. Scottish Government, 'National Care Service consultation responses published', February 2022.

20. 'Strong support for National Care Service', Scottish Government news release, 10 February 2022. News release and analysis of responses available on the Scottish Government website.

21. More information in our Case Transfer policy position paper, Scottish Government, February 2019.

22. Most respondents to our 2016 consultation on social security, supported the goal we set for Scottish Carer's Assistance, that it would be 'not a payment for care [but] provide some financial support and recognition for those who choose to, or who have had to give up or limit their employment or study because of caring responsibilities'. Analysis of written responses to the consultation on social security in Scotland, Scottish Government, February 2017.

23. Carer's Allowance is an 'income-replacement' benefit so carers may not be earning more than £128 per week (2021/22 rate) from employment, after tax, National Insurance and some expenses. More information on is available at:

24. A Minimum Income Guarantee Steering Group has been set up to work on defining what a Minimum Income Guarantee for Scotland should look like. It includes representation from Carers Scotland. More information on the group, its membership and work is available on the Scottish Government website.

25. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 2 Fiscal overview, figure 2.4: Social security net position and new payments.

26. Summary statistics for Carer's Allowance Supplement, October eligibility date 2021 and Carer's Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance at August 2021, page 8.

27. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 5, Social Security, figure 5.4: Social security spending forecasts.

28. More information on how we uprate Carer's Allowance Supplement and other Scottish benefits is included in our Effects of inflation report, Scottish Government, December 2021.

29. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 5, Social Security, figure 5.4: Social security spending forecasts.

30. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts' December 2021', pp.11: [uprating].

31. 32 Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 5, Social Security, figure 5.8, ADP policy decomposition.

32. More information on the Social Security Charter on Social Security Scotland website.

33. Figures available to the end of May 2021 on DWP StatXplore.

34. A fairer Scotland for women: gender pay gap action plan, Scottish Government, 2019.

35. The gender impact of welfare reform, Scottish Government, August 2013, A Widening Gap – Women and Welfare Reform, Engender, 2015.

36. One Year On: How COVID-19 is impacting women's employment in Scotland, Close the Gap, March 2021. 'Covid-19 in Scotland: The impact on unpaid carers and carer service support workers', Carers Trust Scotland, 2021.

37. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20, Disability section.

38. Analysis based on multiple years of the Family Resources Survey, poverty rates on Carer's Allowance have increased since 2005-08 from being lower compared to the overall population to being slightly higher now. It should be noted that Carer's Allowance is underreported in the survey.

39. Analysis based on multiple years of the Family Resources Survey.

40. More about the Carer Benefits Advisory Group role and membership on the Scottish Government website.

41. Scottish Carer's Assistance Discussion Paper, Scottish Government, March 2021.

42. More on our Experience Panels on the Scottish Government website.

43. More about the Disability and Carer Benefits Expert Advisory Group role and membership on the Scottish Government website.

44. More about the Carer Benefits Advisory Group role and membership on the Scottish Government website.

45. The National Carer Organisations are Carers Scotland, Carers Trust Scotland, Shared Care Scotland, Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP), and Coalition of Carers. More information on the unpaid carers page of the Scottish Government website.

46. More information on Our Charter on the Social Security Scotland website.

47. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018: benefit take-up strategy, Scottish Government, October 2021.

48. More information on Our Charter on the Social Security Scotland website.

49. Expenses can include 50% of a carer's pension contributions, work expenses such as travel costs and equipment for work, and up to 50% of the costs of replacement care for the person being cared for. More information is available on the Carer's Allowance eligibility section of the UK Government website.

50. More information on the effect that Carer's Allowance has on other benefits on the UK Government website.

51. More information about what to do if you do not agree with a benefit decision made by Social Security Scotland available at

52. More information about appealing to a Tribunal about a benefit decision made by Social Security Scotland available at

53. More on the Department for Work and Pensions mandatory reconsideration process on the UK Government website.

54. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018, section 48.

55. The benefits that 'overlap' with Carer's Allowance are: State Pension, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Unemployability Supplement – paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or War Pension, Widow's Pension or Bereavement Allowance, Widowed Mother's Allowance or Widowed Parent's Allowance, War Widow's or Widower's Pension, Maternity Allowance, Industrial Death Benefit, contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance, contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance.

56. More about Scottish Child Payment at

57. More about Child Winter Heating Assistance at

58. More about Child Disability Payment at

59. More information on Carer's Allowance Supplement at

60. The Evaluation of Carer's Allowance Supplement, Scottish Government, November 2020.

61. More information on how we uprate Scottish benefits is set out in our Effects of inflation report, Scottish Government, December 2021.

62. Carer's Allowance is an 'income-replacement' benefit so carers may not be earning more than £128 per week (2021/22 rate) from employment, after tax, National Insurance and some expenses. This means that most carers will not have taxable earnings above the personal tax allowance, which is £12,570 in 2021/22. More information on Carer's Allowance eligibility is available at:

63. Receiving or being eligible for Carer's Allowance can entitle carers to additional amounts in some UK Government benefits, including Income Support, Pension Credit. Eligibility for Carer's Allowance will also reduce the work requirements for carers who are getting Universal Credit.

64. Scottish Fiscal Commission, 'Scotland's Economic and Fiscal Forecasts, December 2021', Chapter 2 Fiscal overview, figure 2.4: Social security net position and new payments.

65. The Social Security Principles are set out in Part 1 of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018.

66. 64 More information on Carer's Allowance eligibility on the UK Government website.

67. Analysis of the Family Resources Survey.

68. Analysis of the Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec 2019.

69. Carer's Allowance is an 'income-replacement' benefit so carers may not be earning more than £128 per week (2021/22 rate) from employment, after tax, National Insurance and some expenses. Expenses can include 50% of a carer's pension contributions, work expenses such as travel costs and equipment for work, and up to 50% of the costs of replacement care for the person being cared for. More information is available on the Carer's Allowance eligibility section of the UK Government website.

70. Real Living Wage is independently calculated by the Resolution Foundation. More information on the Scottish Living Wage website.

71. Average weekly hours for part-time workers is around 16 hours in the Labour Force Survey.

72. Analysis based on multiple years of the Family Resources Survey.

73. The benefits that 'overlap' with Carer's Allowance are: State Pension, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Unemployability Supplement – paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or War Pension, Widow's Pension or Bereavement Allowance, Widowed Mother's Allowance or Widowed Parent's Allowance, War Widow's or Widower's Pension, Maternity Allowance, Industrial Death Benefit, contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance, contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance.

74. Carers receiving State Pension make up around 80% of all carers with an underlying entitlement to Carer's Allowance. Around 98% of carers with underlying entitlement who have reached State Pension age receive the State Pension.

75. More information on the premiums paid with reserved benefits is available on the UK Government website.

76. National Carer Organisations: 'A Manifesto for Unpaid Carers and Young Carers', 2021.

77. If not now, when? - Social Renewal Advisory Board report, Scottish Government, January 2021.

78. Figures available to the end of May 2021 on DWP StatXplore.

79. The gender impact of welfare reform, Scottish Government, August 2013, A Widening Gap – Women and Welfare Reform, Engender, 2015.

80. One Year On: How COVID-19 is impacting women's employment in Scotland, Close the Gap, March 2021: 'Covid-19 in Scotland: The impact on unpaid carers and carer service support workers', Carers Trust Scotland, 2021.

81. Social security: Benefits for carers - (

82. Summary statistics for Carer's Allowance Supplement, October eligibility date 2021 and Carer's Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance at August 2021, page 11.

83. Scotland's Carers, Scottish Government, March 2015.

84. Allmark P, Salway S, Crisp R & Barley R (2010) Ethnic Minority Customers of the Pension, Disability and Carers Service: An Evidence Synthesis.

85. Rural Scotland key facts, 2015.

86. Inhabited Islands analytical report.

87. Remotely excluded: barriers facing Scotland's rural consumers, Citizens Advice Scotland, 2015.

88. A Minimum Income Standard: For Remote rural Scotland: a Policy Update, Loughborough University, UHI & Highlands and Islands Enterprise; 2016.

89. Scotland's Carers, March 2015: Scotland's Carers - (

90. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Scottish Government.

91. Analysis based on multiple years of the Family Resources Survey.

92. Analysis based on multiple years of the Family Resources Survey.

93. Analysis based on Family Resources Survey, 2019-20.

94. Analysis based on the Annual Population Survey household datasets, Jan-Dec 2019. Characteristics such as gender and age may not be reflected by the survey weighting in the household datasets.

95. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20, Gender section.

96. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20, Child poverty section.

97. The Evaluation of Carer's Allowance Supplement, Scottish Government, November 2020.

98. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 Benefit Take-up Strategy, Scottish Government, October 2019

99. Scottish Government (2015) Scotland's Carers.

100. Figures available to the end of May 2021 on DWP StatXplore.

101. Carers UK (2021) State of Caring 2021.

102. Carers UK as part of the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission (2017) The world shrinks: Carer loneliness.



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