
The Scottish Child Health Programme: Guidance on the 27-30 month child health review

Guidance on the core issues which should be addressed and recorded at the 27-30 month review, and standardised methods of assessment to ensure consistency of practice across Scotland.

Appendix 2: Developmental assessment tools

Primary purpose

Age range


Source and costs


Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)

Structured elicitation of parental concerns about a child's development (various domains) to identify those at increased risk of developmental problems requiring more detailed assessment

Birth to 9 years

Parent complete questionnaire

10 questions

5 mins to complete and 2 mins to score, LLC

Manual: $79.95

Starter kit (includes 1 admin and scoring guide, 1 response form pad and 1 scoring and interpretation pad): $36

Administration and Scoring Guide: $4

Response forms (x50): $18

Score and Interpretation Forms (x50) : $18

Structured scoring required as the different concerns are more or less predictive of developmental problems at different ages

Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones (PEDS:DM)

Structured elicitation from parents of children's developmental status relative to selected milestones/skills (various domains) to identify those at increased risk of developmental problems requiring more detailed assessment

Birth to 7 years

Parent complete questionnaire

6-8 questions about expected milestones depending on the child's age

5 mins to complete and 2 mins to score, LLC

Starter kit (includes manual, reusable laminated forms; 100 longitudinal recording forms; scoring template): approx $275

Recording forms (x100): $32

The selected milestones are those known to indicate increased risk of developmental problems if not met by the specified age

Ages and Stages Questionnaire 3 (ASQ 3)

Structured assessment of all developmental domains using a parental questionnaire supported by observation of the child at play to identify children at increased risk of developmental problems

4 months to 5½ years

Health visitor and parent co-completed questionnaire and observation of child involved in guided play

A series of age specific questionnaires are available each covering children within a 3 month age window

Around 30 questions

10-15 mins to complete and 2-3 mins to score

Brookes Publishing Co, Baltimore

One off cost of $275 (includes user guide, quick start guide, photocopiable print master set of questionnaires and scoring sheets, as well as a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires)

Can be used in conjunction with ASQ:SE

No specific 'toy box' is provided to support the observation of play - normal household items are used

Schedule of Growing Skills II (SOGS II)

Structured assessment of all developmental domains based on observation of the child at play to identify children at increased risk of developmental problems.

Birth to 5 years

Health visitor and parent co-completed questionnaire and observation of child involved in guided play

Comprises 179 questions which cover the 0-5 age range. Only those pertinent for the age the child attends would be asked

10-14 mins to complete

15mins to score


Starter set (includes toy set, user guide, 10 record forms and 50 profile forms): £190 (+VAT)

Reference manual: £72.50 (+VAT)

User guide: £47.50

Training DVD: £108.00 (+VAT)

Picture book: £55.00

Record forms (x50): £112.50 (+VAT)

Profiles (x 50): £72.50

Can be used in conjunction with an additional tool to assess social/emotional development eg SDQ

Developed and validated in the UK

A specific 'toy box' is provided to support the observation of play

Ages and Stages Questionnaire 3: Social and emotional (ASQ 3:SE)

Structured assessment of children's social, emotional and behavioural development using a parental questionnaire

6 months to 5 years

Parent complete questionnaire

A series of age specific questionnaires are available each covering children within a 6-12 month age window

Around 30 questions

10-15 mins to complete and 2-3 mins to score

Brookes Publishing Co, Baltimore

One off cost of around $175

(includes user guide, quick start guide, photocopiable print master set of questionnaires and scoring sheets, as well as a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires)

Training DVD: $50

Online options available also.

Can be used along with the ASQ3 to provide more detailed assessment of social, emotional, and behavioural development

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

Structured assessment of children's social, emotional, behavioural, and attention development using a parental questionnaire

2 to 16 years

Parent complete questionnaire

Specific questionnaires for children aged 2-4 years are available

The short version (around 25 questions) can be completed by parents or nursery teachers

5 mins to complete, 2-3 mins to score

Longer versions (same questions plus questions assessing impact of problems on family functioning or change over time) also available

Youth in Mind

Available free of charge

The 5 sub-domains assessed map easily to domains included in the national minimum dataset

Developed and validated in the UK

The SDQ was originally designed for children aged 3-16 years but has recently been validated on children aged 2 years although results are not yet published in peer reviewed format

Sure Start Language Measure (SSLM)

Structured assessment of children's language development using a parental questionnaire

16-30 months

Parent complete questionnaire including standard word list

Initial questions eliciting parental concerns about a child's development and asking whether children are starting to combine words followed by a 50 word list from which parents are asked to indicate the words that their child can say

5-10 mins to complete, 5 mins to score

The SSLM is available free of charge in the report of 2004 data collection exercise ('The third implementation of the Sure Start Language Measure' available under 'Evidence' on

It is also available on the Modernising Nursing in the Community website:,-young-people-families/working-with-clients,-carers-patients-as-partners/resources-tools.aspx

The team that developed the SSLM can provide training on its use. One day's practical training with two trainers can be provided to Boards for around £600 plus travel expenses. The training would involve an overview of language and speech development across childhood, the importance of early building blocks and what to look for, comorbidity issues such as behaviour and hearing, and the role of the parent in the process as well as using the SSLM itself.

Interested Boards should contact Professor James Law at the University of Newcastle ( - email for further information.

Developed and validated in the UK

The SSLM was developed to monitor the language development of children in Sure Start areas

Three waves of data collection were undertaken

In 2001 and 2003 a longer questionnaire and 100 word list were used; in 2004 a shorter questionnaire and 50 word list was used

Girls consistently achieve higher word count scores than boys hence gender specific cut offs may be appropriate

The 2004 SSLM performs equally well in children from a range of language backgrounds (e.g. bilingual homes)

Modified - Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT)

Questionnaire designed to identify children at increased risk of Autistic Spectrum Disorder

18 to 30 months

Parent complete questionnaire +/- follow on interview

Initial questionnaire has 23 questions

If questionnaire results raise concerns, a structured follow up interview is undertaken with the parent. This reduces the number of false positives identified and hence reduces unnecessary referrals

5 mins to complete, 2 mins to score (questionnaire only) or direct from the author

Available free of charge

At 27-30 months the M-CHAT may not reliably detect children at the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum but it does show good ability to detect classical autism at this age

In the UK, current advice is that the M-CHAT should not be used to screen for autism risk in all children; note that this is in contrast to advice in the US which is reflected on the M-CHAT websites

Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory

Questionnaire designed to assess parents' perception of the occurrence and impact of problematic childhood behaviours

2 to 16 years

Parent complete questionnaire

36 questions (same questionnaire and scoring method covers all age groups)

5 mins to complete, 5 mins to score

Ann Arbor Publishers

Professional manual: £45

Record forms (x25): £33

The questionnaire asks solely about negative or problem behaviours

A teacher-complete version (the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behaviour Inventory) is available for older children only

Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment: Infant/Toddler version (HOME: I/T)

Structured observation tool that supports assessment of young children's home environments and the quality of the parenting they are receiving

Birth to 3 years

Structured professional observation

45 items grouped into 6 subscales

Assessment and scoring are conducted over about an hour. An observer spends time talking to the parent and observing their interaction with their child in their home environment. Presence or absence of various indicators (e.g. child has at least 10 age appropriate books, parent kisses child at least once, etc) are noted during the session.

HOME inventory LLC

Arizona State University

Comprehensive manual $50

Standard manual $40

Infant/toddler forms (x50) $15

The 6 subscales are parental responsiveness; acceptance of child; parental involvement; organization of the home environment; learning materials; and variety of experiences

Other versions of the scale are available for older children up to 14 years and for children with disabilities


Email: Mary Sloan

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