
Scottish Child Payment: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

The Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) considers the impact of the Scottish Child Payment on businesses, including the third sector.

Summary and recommendation

In summary, the Scottish Government has identified evidence that the introduction of SCP will contribute an additional investment into the Scottish economy. It is anticipated that these funds will be used to pay for goods and services and therefore businesses could benefit from the introduction of the benefit. Any impact to businesses of the Regulations should be positive or neutral.

The Scottish Government have worked closely with stakeholders to develop the policy and will continue to do so until the SCP is implemented and will monitor the success of the payment once launched.

The available evidence shows that there is a strong case to provide the proposed financial assistance and support families living in poverty. We therefore intend to proceed with the introduction of SCP.

Summary costs and benefits table

The full details of costs and benefits of options is detailed in the Analysis of Options for the Income Supplement Report[26].



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