Scottish Child Payment: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
The Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) considers the Scottish Child Payment and how it impacts on children, in particular in relation to Part 1 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
1. For a full list of qualifying benefits see -
2. Universal Credit Eligibility
3. section 96(2) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
4. Scottish Government, Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan
5. age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex; and sexual orientation
6. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan
7. Children in poverty or material deprivation by age of children in household
8. Scottish Government, Growing Up in Scotland: Health Inequalities in the Early Years
11. Children in poverty or material deprivation by age of children in household
12. Our Charter
13. The Social Security Benefit Take-up Strategy
14. Benefit Take Up Forms and Guidance
16. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan
17. Income Supplement: Analysis of Options
18. Universal Credit Scotland dashboard: August 2020
19. Scottish Child Payment,
21. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Annex 3 and 4
22. Social Security (Scotland) Act Equality Impact Assessment
23. age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex; and sexual orientation
24. Poverty and Inequality in Scotland 2016-2019, Figure 3
25. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, page 15
26. Cooper and Stewart (2017), Does money affect children's outcomes?, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
27. Children's Parliament: What Kind of Scotland? 2017
28. Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Annex 4 - Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
29. Our Charter
30. The Social Security Benefit Take-up Strategy
31. Benefit Take Up Forms and Guidance
33. ESSS Outline - Disability, Poverty and Transitional Support
34. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018
35. The Scottish Government’s Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy
36. Supplementary child poverty tables – table 5 (child poverty by age of mother)
37. Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality: Progress report on shifting the curve
38. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act
39. Social Security Scotland Corporate Parenting Plan 2019-2021
40. Lundberg et al (1997) The Journal of Human Resources, Volume 32, No. 3, p. 463- 480; Fisher (2014), British tax credit simplification, the intra-household distribution of income and family consumption;
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