Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board minutes: February 2024

Minutes from meeting on 29 February 2024.

Attendees and apologies

Board members

  • Anne-Marie Martin (AMM), (Chair) Scottish Government Regional Economic Development Deputy Director
  • Elma Durdevic (ED), acting for, Scotland Office, Deputy Director, Deals Policy
  • Lauren Bruce (LBr), UK Government, DLUHC, Scotland Director
  • Will Durkin (v) (WD), Treasury, Union Strategy and Devolution Capability lead
  • Michael Walker (MW), Senior Finance Business Partner

Scotland Office (SO) officials

  • Alessandro Fusco (v) (AF), DLUHC, Head of Scotland Team
  • Laura Barker (v) (LBa), SO, Team Leader, City and Growth Deals
  • Mike Macdonald (MM), HMT, Policy Advisor

Scottish Government (SG) officials

  • Kate Bryson (KB), Head of East and West of Scotland Growth Deals
  • Kimberley Daly (KD), Head of Highlands, Islands, Edinburgh and South Growth Deals
  • Allison Rice (AR), Team Leader Ayrshire and Aberdeen Growth Deals


  • Peter McGregor (PMG), RED Programme Manager, SG
  • Ian Scott (v) IS, Policy Officer, SG
  • Jeremy Hughes (v) JH, SO, Strategist and Policy Adviser

(v) indicates a virtual attendee.

Items and actions

Welcome, introduction and apologies

AMM welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the previous board meeting, 29 November 2023, had been approved by correspondence.

Action tracker

Updates to the action tracker were approved.

Hot topics

The board discussed the key issues identified by the working group. These spanned areas including unsigned deals and individual project issues.

Finance business partner update

An update on finance was discussed and current underspend was noted.

Risk register (by exception)

Updates to the risk register were approved.

Deals performance dashboard (by exception)

Deals were discussed by exception.

Continuous improvement update

Timelines and outputs from the continuous improvement workstreams were discussed.

Paper – Fair Work First

The paper was discussed and additions were requested.

Any other business

A verbal update was provided covering Scottish Office growth review.

Close and next meeting

AMM thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting.

The next board is scheduled for 22 May and, following today’s meeting, SO will be providing the secretariat.

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