
Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board minutes: March 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board, held on 3 March 2022.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Government

  • Karen McAvenue (KM)
  • Maria Christie (MC)
  • Lesley Jackson (LJ)
  • Kate Bryson (KB)
  • Kimberley Daly (KD)


  • OSSS
  • Kris Krasnowski (KK)
  • Craig Birrell (CB)


  • John Wilkinson (JW)
  • Lauren Bruce (LB)


  • Rawfiah Choudry (RC)

In attendance to support board

  • SG supporting officials
  • OSSS supporting officials
  • HMT supporting officials
  • CLGU supporting officials

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and received apologies.

Minutes of the previous meeting (4 November 2021)

The board agreed that the minute was an accurate record of what was discussed. There were no matters arising.

Finance business partner update

An update on finance was provided.

Stirling and clacks government framework changes

Board were content with the paper presented however concerns raised that the region were missing reporting to governments critical aspects of governance that needed to be addressed.

The board noted the importance of the private sector on the joint committee - there is a depth of private sector involvement across other deals.

Inflation and rising costs (discussion)

Collective view that dealing with inflation and rising costs is the responsibility of the partners. Not effective to do re-profiling on a regular basis.

There are some good examples across deals of value engineering to bring projects close to budget, Tay Cities for example. Glasgow have canceled two procurements.

Ayrshire have also written to SG and UKG Deputy Directors regarding this topic. Scottish Government are now seeking data from across PMOs at this time.

Action: Working group to be set up and LJ to chair. KK and JW to pick up discussion on the finance model.

Strategic Policy update and implications for city and growth deal delivery

Paper presented by DLUHC Scotland Team with an overview of UKG funds.

Scottish Government presented on National Strategy for Economic Transformation and Regional Economic Partnerships.

Overview of tri lateral min meeting (MS/O’B/Lochhead) on 25 Feb - SG awaiting O’B letter - Sue Gray also said at Tri meeting, looking to engage with JP Marks, SG.

Note: letter since been issued by O’B.

Outstanding actions

Performance management - following the previous board meeting, the board agreed that standardisation of performance management arrangements was desirable wherever possible.

Scottish Government drafted a submission for Cabinet Secretary to approve the recommended changes and UKG have done the same for Minister Stewart.

All Deals Annual Report - working group to be established.

Actions: LJ to coordinate volunteers for All Deals Annual Report working group.

Performance dashboard

Reviewed by exception.

Risk Register

The Board received a summary of the changes to the risk register since the last meeting, and confirmed acceptance.

The Board considered risks relating to the Inverness and Highland Deal, and noted that urgency was required in responding to the Performance Improvement Plan.

Actions: SG/UKG officials to coordinate feedback for Inverness and Highland.



Meeting close.

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