
Scottish City Region and Growth Deals Delivery Board meeting minutes: November 2021

Minutes from the meeting of the Scottish City Region and Growth Deals Delivery Board (SCRGDD) on 4 November 2021.

Attendees and apologies


  • Karen McAvenue (KM) - (Chair)
  • Maria Christie (MC) - Scottish Government
  • Kris Krasnowski (KK)
  • John Wilkinson (JW)
  • Rawfiah Choudry (RC)
  • SG supporting officials
  • OSSS supporting officials
  • HMT supporting officials
  • CLGU supporting officials


  • Elma Durdevic  

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and received apologies.

The chair noted that, following the main body of the board meeting, there would be a closed board session wherein any confidential matters would be raised and discussed.

Minutes of the previous meeting on 26 July 2021

The board agreed that the minute was an accurate record of what was discussed. There were no matters arising.

Glasgow city region gateway review

  • the chair referred to the relevant paper, which was summarised by a supporting official
  • the board noted the case for introducing a greater degree of self-assessment at gateway two, provided this was accompanied by robust peer review and challenge by the board
  • the board approved the paper and associated recommendations, though it was noted that these were subject to ministerial agreement
  • it was agreed that officials from both governments would seek the necessary ministerial approvals and update the board at a future meeting as appropriate

Review of performance management arrangements

  • the chair referred to the relevant paper, which was summarised by a supporting official
  • the board agreed that standardisation of performance management arrangements was desirable wherever possible, though it was accepted that the unique structure of the Glasgow City Region Deal meant it would continue to follow a separate process
  • the Board was particularly keen to widen the use of checkpoint reviews, in order to enable all parties to a deal to call for an in-depth review of key projects/themes at appropriate junctures
  • it was also agreed that annual conversations should place greater emphasis on issues and risk management
  • the board approved the paper and its associated recommendations, though it was noted that these were subject to ministerial agreement
  • it was agreed that officials from both governments would seek the necessary ministerial approvals and update the board at a future meeting as appropriate
  • the board also noted that the governance operating model should be updated to reflect the proposed changes, if these were ultimately endorsed by ministers


  • UKG to reflect confirmed changes when conducting the annual review of the GOM in January 2022

All deals annual report

  •  the chair referred to the relevant paper, which was summarised by a supporting official
  • the board agreed that there was merit in producing an all deals annual report, with a first iteration due between April and May 2022
  • the board also asked the working group to consider whether the report could be published 
  • the board therefore approved the recommendations in the paper 


  • working group to develop a draft report for presentation to the board at an appropriate future meeting

Finance business partner update

  • it was noted that appropriate funding flexibilities remain in place as part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) response
  • the board touched on funding profiles and agreed these require further discussion


  • follow up meetings to be arranged between SG and OSSS, and latterly with HMT. MC to work with supporting officials to produce an associated briefing paper

Update on outstanding actions

  • the board received an update on outstanding actions, it was noted that all were being progressed and no concerns were raised
  • the vhair reminded supporting officials to ensure the tracker was fully updated before board papers were issued

Risk register

  • the board received a summary of the changes to the risk register since the last meeting, and confirmed acceptance.
  • the board considered risks relating to the Inverness and Highland deal, and noted that discussions were ongoing with senior regional partners to identify and take forward associated mitigations
  • it was agreed that these issues should be explored in detail at the annual conversation, and that the board would consider thereafter whether further action was required
  • the board further agreed that any requests to change deal delivery periods should be robustly evidenced by regional partners, and would be considered on a case by case basis as and when appropriate

Performance dashboard

  • the board noted recent developments across the individual deals in delivery, and noted the progress moray partners were making towards full deal


  • KK noted that minister Stewart would shortly be meeting with local partners to discuss progress on the Falkirk growth deal. It was noted that Scottish Government ministers were not available, but an official would attend 

Closed board session: confidential discussion

Meeting close

  • it was noted that, in line with standard procedure, the secretariat function for the board would rotate to OSSS for the next six months
  • the chair thanked all of those involved for their support
  • meeting concluded at 3:57pm
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