
Scottish City Region and Growth Deals: carbon management guidance for projects and programmes

Guidance for project owners on managing carbon emissions associated with Scottish City Region and Growth Deal projects.

2. Purpose of Guidance

The guidance aims to achieve transparent and consistent carbon management across the Deals programme, ensuring that carbon is an influencing factor from the earliest project stage. It has been designed to accord with HM Treasury Green Book requirements and to support the achievement of the following three key goals for all Deal projects:

1. Quantification of whole life carbon using appropriate and authoritative sources;

2. Minimisation of whole life carbon using relevant best practice methodologies; and,

3. Identification of potential barriers to achieving net zero, e.g. skills, materials, technology.

Achievement of the above goals will ensure that the Deals programme continues to respond effectively to local and national climate emergency declarations, aligned with a corresponding just transition to net zero carbon emissions and the delivery of national climate change targets and commitments.

The consistent application of this guidance will accelerate low carbon innovation and the achievement of national sustainable development objectives across and beyond the Deals programme.



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