Scottish climate action hubs: models research
A research into existing models of community climate action hubs in the UK and internationally carried out by Changeworks.
2. Overview of Hubs
2.1. About the Hubs
Six case studies were selected that represented a range of community climate action hub models. Four are based in the UK, one in Germany and one in Canada, as outlined in section 2.2. See Appendix A (section 7) for more detail on how the case studies were selected.
Examples of physical and virtual climate action hubs were selected. The case studies include both hubs that operate independently and those that are part of a network of multiple hubs. Hubs represent a variety of approaches and structures to provide a range of learning opportunities that could be applied in Scotland.
More detail on each hub is provided in the case studies in Appendix B (section 8)
2.2. Overview of the six hubs selected as case studies
Case studies for each hub are provided in Appendix B, and accessed by clicking the links in the Name column.
Name: Climate Connect
Location: Germany
Individual or network of hubs: Network
Description: Physical or virtual hub: Physical and Virtual
The project was originally digital, providing a platform for promoting climate activity around the world. This platform is still supported, but the project is now focused on establishing a physical presence to inspire more impactful action in local communities.
Name: Climate Action Leeds
Location: Leeds
Individual or network of hubs: Network
Physical or virtual hub: Physical
Description: A partnership between local environmental organisations who won funding through the National Lottery Climate Action Fund. The programme provides funding, networking opportunities and support for each individual hub to run community engagement projects.
Name: Community Climate Hubs Programme
Location: Canada
Individual or network of hubs: Network
Physical or virtual hub: Physical and Virtual
Description: A large network of hubs throughout Canada. These hubs focus on climate activism, promoting policy change in various local authority areas. The programme provides a network and shared resources to support the hubs.
Name: Zero Carbon Guildford
Location: Guildford
Individual or network of hubs: Individual
Physical or virtual hub: Physical
Description: Established through a partnership of individuals from local environmental organisations and aims to help the borough reach net zero emissions by 2030. The hub focuses of community engagement projects to support residents to make sustainable lifestyle choices.
Name: Lewes Climate Hub
Location: Lewes
Individual or network of hubs: Individual
Physical or virtual hub: Physical
Description: Established through a partnership of individuals from two local activist organisations. The hub aims to help residents make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Name: Cool Wirral
Location: Wirral
Individual or network of hubs: Individual
Physical or virtual hub: Virtual
Description: A hub facilitated by the local authority, and part of a wider cross-sector campaign to reach net zero locally. The hub delivers community engagement events in person and online. An online platform for the hub allows residents to share and discuss climate action projects.
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