
Scottish Commemorations Panel: objectives

Objectives of the Scottish Commemorations Panel.

1. Identify and agree key dates to be commemorated for Scotland. Enable a broad range of Scottish bodies to deliver a programme of activities.

2. Enable commemorations to achieve a range of objectives that:

  • remember the role and sacrifice of Scottish servicemen
  • reflect on the global impact of WW1, notably on nations in Europe and the Commonwealth
  • reflect the domestic impact of WW1 in Scotland both during 1914-18 and the lasting social and civic legacy of the war
  • achieve a balance of tone between remembrance and celebration and allow for a spirit of research and inquiry

3. To raise awareness of the resources available to help local commemorations and family research.

4. Enable the public to contribute to and access our Scottish collections by making best use of existing resources, particularly digital means such as Europeana.

5. Provide opportunities for young people to learn about the war and its resonance to contemporary life in Scotland and internationally.

6. Encourage people to visit Scotland to learn more about the significance of the war and its impact on Scotland.

7. Manage the diverse messages and moods from the activity planned for 2014 (Commonwealth Games, Bannockburn, Ryder Cup, Second Year of Homecoming and the John Muir Centenary).


Email: Scottish Commemorations Panel

Scottish Commemorations Panel
Area 2-H
Victoria Quay

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