Best Start Foods, Best Start Grants and Scottish Child Payment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2022 - draft: SCoSS scrutiny report

Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) scrutiny report on the draft Best Start Foods, Best Start Grants and Scottish Child Payment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2022.

Annex 1 - Scrutiny timeline

22 March 2022 - Draft Regulations formally referred to SCoSS by the Minister for Social Security and Local Government.

29 March 2022 - Secretariat meeting with SG officials to discuss the scrutiny arrangements.

12 April 2022 - Amended draft regulations received alongside Keeling Schedules.

13 April 2022 - SCoSS ad-hoc Board meeting attended by SG officials.

14 April 2022 - Questions sent to Social Security Scotland officials.

28 April 2022 - SCoSS ad-hoc Board meeting discussion on Scottish Child Payment.

5 May 2022 - Questions sent to Social Security Scotland officials.

6 May 2022 - SCoSS meeting with CPAG welfare rights expert on kinship care.

May/June 2022 - External stakeholders' consultation.

10 June 2022 - External stakeholder views received. (Annex 2)

15 June 2022 - SCoSS draft recommendations and observations released to Scottish Government officials.

22 June 2022 - SCoSS report signed off and laid.

5 September 2022 - Regulations laid in Parliament for Parliamentary scrutiny. (TBC)

14 November 2022 - Regulations into force. (TBC)



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