
Scottish Connections Fund: guidance

Guidance on funding to set up a project to promote Scotland’s worldwide reputation. The applications window for the Scottish Connections Fund closed on 4 September 2024.


The Scottish Connections Framework, Scotland’s diaspora policy, was published in April 2023.

We have long believed that better engaging our diaspora – family and friends of Scotland globally – can not only benefit Scotland economically and enrich our culture but also improve Scotland’s connections and reputation. And we want our efforts to benefit our diaspora too.

The Scottish Connections Framework sets out the case for engaging our diaspora as an end in itself, but also to promote Scotland as a place in which to live, work, study, do business, and visit.

One of the Framework commitments was to pilot a Scottish Connections Fund to support the aims of this Framework.

The pilot of the Scottish Connections Fund was launched in October 2023 with 11 applications received.  We funded four projects with a total value of £13,884. Read more information about the successful projects in 2023 to 2024.

The Scottish Connections Fund aims to promote increased visibility or connectivity between Scottish diaspora communities outside Scotland, or with Scotland itself.

The fund supports innovative initiatives “that bring together those with a connection to Scotland, promote Scotland’s reputation and interests, and build greater connections back to Scotland itself.



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