Scottish Consolidated Fund Accounts: 2019-2020

Audited annual financial statements of the Scottish Consolidated Fund for the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

Receipts and Payments Account

For the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020
Receipts Note 2019-20
Receipts from the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 2 19,864,469 17,847,700
Scottish Rate of Income Tax 3 11,684,000 12,115,000
Non Domestic Rates Income 2,853,000 2,636,000
National Insurance Contributions 2,239,578 2,143,291
Devolved Taxes 4 724,588 714,699
Borrowing 5 405,000 250,000
Crown Estate surplus 6 10,075 11,790
Fines, forfeitures and fixed penalties 7 26,915 20,488
Receipt from the Registers of Scotland 9 50,000 -
37,857,625 35,738,968
Receipts not authorised to be used to support expenditure
Repayment of Loans formerly from National Loans Fund Principal and Interest 66,094 72,361
Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer 8 7,369 3,978
Other Receipts 10 4,696 9,251
78,159 85,590
Total Receipts 37,935,784 35,824,558
Payments authorised under the Budget Act Documents
11 37,833,808 35,682,806
37,833,808 35,682,806
Charges on the Fund
Judicial Salaries 12 34,767 33,094
Designated Receipts 10 219 278
Capital borrowing repayments 5 37,096 14,796
National Loans Fund repayments to Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland of Principal and Interest 66,094 72,361
Ministerial Pension Payments 218 222
Proceeds of Crime paid to the SG 13 6,300 5,439
144,694 126,190
Total Payments 37,978,502 35,808,996
Surplus / (Deficit) For The Period (42,718) 15,562

The Principal Accountable Officer authorised these accounts, for issue on the date signed below. The schedule of balances and the notes on pages 12 to 18 form part of these accounts.

Leslie Evans
Principal Accountable Officer



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