
Scottish Consolidated Fund Accounts: year ended 31 March 2023

The Scottish Consolidated Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Receipts and Payments Account

For the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

Receipts Note 2022-23 2021-22
    £000 £000
Receipts from the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 2 28,549,013 31,479,277
Scottish Income Tax 3 13,819,685 11,641,545
Non Domestic Rates Income 4 2,766,000 2,090,000
National Insurance Contributions 5 3,507,538 2,446,456
Devolved taxes 6 954,847 874,152
Borrowing 7 347,000 469,000
Voluntary donations 8 181 1,020
Crown Estate surplus 9 120,696 13,496
Fines, forfeitures and fixed penalties 10 25,409 21,599
Receipt from the Registers of Scotland 11 4,000 17,000
King’s and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer 14 5,022 7,030
Other receipts 15 36,440 10,203
OFGEM Fossil Fuel Levy - 43,724
50,135,831 49,114,502
UK Contingencies Fund
Receipts 12 313,000 23,058,119
313,000 23,058,119
Receipts not authorised to be used to support expenditure
Repayment of Loans formerly from National Loans Fund - principal and interest 13 61,713 83,943
Other receipts 15 153 165
61,866 84,108
Total Receipts 50,510,697 72,256,729
Payments authorised under the Budget Act Documents 16 49,938,788 49,057,691
49,938,788 49,057,691
UK Contingencies Fund
Payments 12 313,000 23,058,119
313,000 23,058,119
Charges on the SCF
Judicial Salaries 17 37,400 37,200
Designated receipts 15 153 165
Borrowing repayments 7 159,601 95,025
National Loans Fund repayments to Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 13 61,713 83,943
Ministerial pension payments 174 281
Proceeds of Crime paid to the SG 18 7,300 6,781
Victim Surcharge paid to the SG 19 688 157
267,028 223,552
Total Payments 50,518,817 72,339,362
Surplus / (Deficit) for the period (8,120) (82,633)



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