
Scottish Cosmetic Interventions Expert Group Report July 2015

Report on usage and numbers of cosmetic interventions being conducted in Scotland and recommendation on regulation of Independent Healthcare Providers.


The Scottish Cosmetic Interventions Expert Group (SCIEG) was set up in January 2014 to explore the need for introducing regulation to cosmetic procedures following the publication of the Keogh Review in April 2013. The Keogh Review noted that little regulation already exists, and that there was a call for this amongst those working within the sector.

The SCIEG was formed with representation from all those interested in ensuring that those delivering cosmetic interventions do so with an appropriate level of training and skill. The recommendations contained within this report have been designed to ensure those who choose to seek cosmetic interventions can do so with the knowledge that providers delivering services meet certain basic standards of training. Whilst any cosmetic intervention can have a poor outcome, this will be less likely if delivered by those with adequate training.

One of the problems encountered by the SCIEG in its work was the lack of information about the numbers of procedures being performed, and where they are taking place. As well as aiming to safeguard standards of practice, these recommendations should allow improved collection of data regarding levels of activity and therefore a greater insight into the sector.

There are a number of areas where decision making is reserved to the UK Government, and these are identified in the report. It is the areas which are devolved, and where in some cases there are no current parallels with existing mechanisms in England, that particular attention has been paid.

The Keogh review opened with the stark statement that "a person having a non-surgical cosmetic intervention has no more protection and redress than someone buying a ballpoint pen or a toothbrush". It is hoped that adoption of these recommendations will end this situation.

Andy Malyon


Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Chief Medical Officer's Speciality Adviser in Plastic Surgery


Email: Quality Team

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