Annex 1: SCOVID Tracker study quotas and sample information
Table A: Wave 1 - Sample in each age by sex quota
Age |
Target |
Achieved |
18 to 24 male |
200 |
176 |
18 to 24 female |
200 |
221 |
25 to 34 male |
200 |
186 |
25 to 34 female |
200 |
226 |
35 to 54 male |
374 |
373 |
35 to 54 female |
395 |
399 |
55 to 69 male |
264 |
305 |
55 to 69 female |
280 |
290 |
70+ male |
168 |
235 |
70+ female |
219 |
193 |
Total |
2,500 |
2604 |
Table B: Wave 1 - Sample in each tenure quota
Tenure |
Target |
Achieved |
Owned Outright or Mortgaged |
1553 |
1651 |
Social Rent |
585 |
525 |
Private Rent |
362 |
428 |
Table C: Wave 1 - Sample in each highest qualification quota
Highest Qualification |
Target |
Achieved |
No Qualifications |
388 |
144 |
Level 1 Standards or 2 Highers |
877 |
900 |
Level 3 HNC/D or Level 4 Degree/prof or other |
1235 |
1560 |
Table D: Sex and age breakdown of Wave 4 sample, unweighted Wave 4 Sample
Age group |
Men (n, %) |
Women (n, %) |
All adults (n, %) |
18-29 |
75 (5.8%) |
104 (8.1%) |
180 (14.0%) |
30-59 |
289 (22.5%) |
310 (24.1%) |
598 (46.5%) |
60+ |
306 (23.8%) |
201 (15.6%) |
508 (39.5%) |
All adults |
670 (52.1%) |
615 (47.9%) |
1286a (100%) |
a In the Wave 4 survey, n=2 people did not indicate their sex assigned at birth
Table D1: Sex and age breakdown of Wave 1 sample, unweighted Wave 1 sample
Age group |
Men (n, %) |
Women (n, %) |
All adults (n, %) |
18-29 |
264 (10.2%) |
316 (12.2%) |
580 (22.4%) |
30-59 |
553 (21.3%) |
615 (25.1%) |
1204 (46.4%) |
60+ |
448 (17.3%) |
362 (14.0%) |
810 (31.2%) |
All adults |
1265 (48.8%) |
1329 (51.2%) |
2594 (100%) |
Table E: Wave 4 breakdown of sample by the different grouping variables used in the main analysis, with weights on and off
Group |
Weighted (n=2500) % |
Unweighted (n=1288) % |
Sex a |
Men |
48.1 |
47.9 |
Women |
51.9 |
52.1 |
Age |
18-29 years |
22.3 |
14.1 |
30-59 years |
47.1 |
46.4 |
60+ years |
30.6 |
39.5 |
Socioeconomic group b |
Lower half |
36.7 |
32.6 |
Higher half |
63.3 |
67.4 |
Pre-existing mental health condition c |
No MH |
87.0 |
89.0 |
Yes MH |
13.0 |
11.0 |
Pre-existing physical health condition d |
No PH |
78.1 |
77.2 |
Yes PH |
21.9 |
22.8 |
Access to outside space |
No access |
8.1 |
6.8 |
Access |
91.9 |
93.2 |
Unpaid carer e |
No |
82.1 |
81.1 |
Yes |
17.9 |
18.9 |
Key worker |
No |
76.1 |
78.0 |
Yes |
23.9 |
22.0 |
Change of working status f |
No |
57.4 |
60.2 |
Yes |
42.6 |
39.8 |
Dependents under 5 years |
No |
90.2 |
91.8 |
Yes |
9.8 |
8.2 |
Note:*data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population a Sex assigned at birth, b SEG categories A, B, C1= higher SEG; categories C2, D, E= lower SEG, c No MH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition; Yes MH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition, d No PH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition; Yes PH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition, e Unpaid caring responsibilities, f working from home, furloughed, reduction in paid employment
Table F: Rates of attrition from Wave 1 to Wave 4 for the subgroups within the longitudinal sample
Group |
Wave 1 sample (n= 2604), n (%) |
Wave 4 sample (n= 1022), n (%) |
% of original sample completed Wave 4 |
Age group 18-29 |
586 (22.5%) |
56 (5.5%) |
9.6% |
30-59 |
1206 (46.3%) |
506 (49.5%) |
42.0% |
60+ |
812 (31.2%) |
460 (45.0) |
56.7% |
Sex a Women |
1329 (51.2%) |
471 (46.1%) |
35.4% |
Men |
1265 (48.8%) |
550 (53.9%) |
43.5% |
Ethnicity b White |
2483 (95.4%) |
1002 (98.0%) |
40.4% |
Ethnic minorityc |
121 (4.6%) |
20 (2.0%) |
16.5% |
Socioeconomic grouping Higher half |
1673 (64.2%) |
710 (69.5%) |
42.4% |
Lower half |
931 (35.8%) |
312 (30.5%) |
33.1% |
Pre-existing mental health condition No MH |
2281 (87.6%) |
915 (89.5%) |
40.1% |
Yes MH |
323 (12.4%) |
107 (10.5%) |
33.1% |
Rural vs. Urban Rural |
562 (21.6%) |
255 (25.0%) |
45.4% |
Urban |
2042 (78.4%) |
767 (75.0%) |
37.6% |
Unpaid carer: any No |
2140 (82.2) |
847 (83.6%) |
39.6% |
Yes |
448 (17.2) |
166 (16.4%) |
37.1% |
Key worker No |
2084 (80.0%) |
830 (81.2%) |
39.8% |
Yes |
520 (20.0%) |
192 (18.8%) |
36.9% |
Dependents under 16 years No |
1978 (76.0%) |
821 (80.3%) |
41.5% |
Yes |
626 (24.0%) |
201 (19.7%) |
32.1% |
Pre-existing physical health condition No |
2088 (80.2%) |
796 (77.9%) |
38.1% |
Yes |
516 (19.8%) |
226 (22.1%) |
43.8% |
a At Wave 1 n=10 respondents did not indicate their sex; b Ethnicity was dropped from the analysis due to attrition; c In previous wave reports, the term BAME was used, however this terminology has been changed to reflect current Scottish Government guidelines.
Table G: Weighted and unweighted demographic characteristics of the sample who have completed all waves of data (Wave 1 to Wave 4)
Characteristic |
Weighted* (n=2500) % |
Unweighted (n=1022) % |
Sexa |
Men |
48.2% |
53.9% |
Women |
51.8% |
46.1% |
Age |
18-29 years |
21.4% |
5.5% |
30-59 years |
47.6% |
49.5% |
60+ years |
31.1% |
45.0% |
Ethnicity |
White |
97.9% |
98.0% |
Asian |
1.3% |
1.2% |
Black |
0.0% |
0.0% |
Mixed |
0.6% |
0.5% |
Other/prefer not to say |
0.2% |
0.3% |
Relationship status |
Married/living with partner |
60.8% |
65.3% |
Single |
25.9% |
20.3% |
Separated/ divorced/widowed |
12.9% |
14.1% |
Other/prefer not to say |
0.4% |
0.4% |
Sexuality |
Heterosexual |
91.3% |
93.0% |
Gay or bisexual |
7.8% |
6.0% |
Other/prefer not to say |
0.9% |
1.0% |
Table G: continued - Weighted and unweighted demographic characteristics of the sample who have completed all waves of data (Wave 1 to Wave 4)
Characteristic |
Weighted* (n=2500) % |
Unweighted (n=1022) % |
Highest Qualification |
No Qualifications |
15.5% |
6.5% |
Secondary school education |
35.1% |
33.7% |
HNC/D or Degree/ other |
49.4% |
59.8% |
Key worker role |
23.5% |
18.8% |
Carer roleb |
15.2% |
16.4% |
Socioeconomic group (SEG)c |
High |
66.1% |
69.5% |
Low |
33.9% |
30.5% |
Housing tenure |
Own (including mortgage) |
62.1% |
74.1% |
Private rent |
14.5% |
10.2% |
Council rent |
19.0% |
13.2% |
Other |
4.4% |
2.5% |
Property type |
House |
72.5% |
76.9% |
Apartment or flat in block |
26.1% |
22.1% |
Shared house/ Student Halls |
0.0% |
0.0% |
Residential home |
0.7% |
0.4% |
Other |
0.7% |
0.6% |
Note:*data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population a Sex assigned at birth, b Unpaid caring responsibilities, c SEG categories A, B, C1= higher SEG; categories C2, D, E= lower SEG
Table H1: Wave 4 sample weighting compared to
NRS Scottish Population 2019 data covering people aged 18+
Characteristic |
Weighted* (n=2500) % |
Unweighted (n=1022) % |
NRS data |
Sexa |
Men |
48.1% |
47.9% |
48.2% |
Women |
51.9% |
52.1% |
51.8% |
Age |
18-29 years |
22.3% |
14.1% |
19.1% |
30-59 years |
47.1% |
46.4% |
49.5% |
60+ years |
30.6% |
39.5% |
31.3% |
Note:*data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population
Table E3: Wave 4 sample weighting compared to
NRS Scottish Population 2011 data covering people aged 16 to 64 living in households in Scotland
Socioeconomic group (SEG) |
Weighted* (n=2500) % |
Unweighted (n=1703) % |
ONS data |
High |
63.3% |
67.4% |
50% |
Low |
36.7% |
32.6% |
50% |
Note: *data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population, SEG measure categories AB-C1-C2-DE. Higher SEG (i.e., top-half): AB = Higher & intermediate managerial, administrative, professional occupations, C1 = Supervisory, clerical & junior managerial, administrative, professional occupations. Lower SEG (i.e., bottom-half): C2 = Skilled manual occupations, DE = Semi-skilled & unskilled manual occupations, unemployed and lowest grade occupations (ONS, 2001).