Scottish COVID-19 Mental Health Tracker Study Wave 5 Report

This is the final report of the Scottish COVID-19 (SCOVID) Mental Health Tracker Study, covering findings for a range of mental health outcomes across all the five waves of the Study.

Annex 3. Demographic and subgroup breakdown at each wave

Table D. Unweighted demographic and subgroup figures (%) Wave 1 to Wave 5
Group Wave 1 n= 2604, n (%) Wave 2 n=1703, n (%) Wave 3 n=1625, n (%) Wave 4 n=1288, n (%) Wave 5 n=1213, n (%)
Age group
18-29 586 (22.5%) 177 (10.4%) 327 (20.1%) 181 (14.1%) 172 (14.2%)
30-59 1206 (46.3%) 872 (51.2%) 751 (46.2%) 598 (46.4%) 570 (47.0%)
60+ 812 (31.2%) 654 (38.4%) 547 (33.7%) 509 (39.5%) 471 (38.8%)
Sex a
Women 1329 (51.2%) 861 (50.6%) 831 (51.2%) 616 (52.1%) 592 (48.8%)
Men 1265 (48.8%) 840 (49.4%) 791 (48.8%) 670 (47.9%) 620 (51.2%)
Ethnicity b
White 2483 (95.4%) 1654 (97.1%) 1573 (96.9%) 1260 (97.9%) 1177 (97.1%)
Ethnic minority 121 (4.6%) 49 (2.9%) 51 (3.1%) 27 (2.1%) 35 (1.2%)
Socioeconomic grouping (SEG)c
Higher 1673 (64.2%) 1131 (66.4%) 1084 (66.7%) 868 (67.4%) 819 (67.5%)
Lower 931 (35.8%) 572 (33.6%) 541 (33.3%) 420 (32.6%) 394 (32.5%)
Pre-existing mental health condition d
No MH 2281 (87.6%) 1506 (88.4%) 1424 (87.6%) 1146 (89.0%) 1071 (88.3%0
Yes MH 323 (12.4%) 197 (11.6%) 201 (12.4%) 142 (11.0%) 142 (4.7%)
Pre-existing physical health condition e
No PH 2088 (80.2%) 1329 (78.0%) 1309 (80.6%) 994 (77.2%) 963 (79.4%)
Yes PH 516 (19.8%) 374 (22.0%) 316 (19.4%) 294 (22.8%) 250 (20.6%)
Unpaid carer f
No 2140 (82.7%) 1412 (82.9%) 1317 (81.6%) 1045 (81.1%) 1000 (82.4%)
Yes 448 (17.3%) 280 (16.4%) 297 (18.4%) 243 (18.9%) 213 (17.6%)
Key worker
No 2084 (80.0%) 1394 (81.9%) 1259 (77.5%) 1004 (78.0%) 955 (78.7%)
Yes 520 (20.0%) 309 (18.1%) 366 (22.5%) 775 (22.0%) 258 (21.3%)
Change of working status g
No 1324 (50.8%) 952 (55.9%) 893 (57.0%) 775 (60.2%) 469 (38.7%)
Yes 1280 (49.2%) 751 (44.1%) 674 (43.0%) 513 (39.8%) 744 (61.3%)
Dependents under 5 years
No 2377 (91.3%) 1589 (93.3%) 1485 (91.4%) 1206 (93.6%) 1130 (93.2%)
Yes 227 (8.7%) 114 (6.7%) 140 (8.6%) 82 (6.4%) 83 (6.8%)
Vaccine hesitancy h
No - - - 1161 (90.1%) 1141 (94.1%)
Yes - - - 127 (9.9%) 72 (5.9%)

Note: All data are unweighted. a Sex assigned at birth, b Ethnic minority includes any black, Asian or other minority ethnic group, intersectional analysis was not possible due to small samples c SEG categories A, B, C1= higher SEG; categories C2, D, E= lower SEG, d No MH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition; Yes MH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition, e No PH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition; Yes PH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition, f Any unpaid caring responsibilities, g includes working from home, furloughed, reduction in paid employment, h No vaccine hesitancy includes those who have received the vaccine or intend to do so, only asked at Wave 4 and Wave 5.

Table E1: Wave 5 demographic and subgroup weighted figures
Group Wave 5 weighted n=2500, n (%)
Age group
18-29 546 (21.8%)
30-59 1185 (47.4%)
60+ 769 (30.7%)
Sex a
Women 1294 (51.8%)
Men 1205 (48.2%)
Ethnicity b
White 2411 (96.5%)
Ethnic minority 88 (3.5%)
Socioeconomic grouping (SEG)c
Higher 1598 (63.9%)
Lower 902 (36.1%)
Pre-existing mental health condition d
No MH 2157 (86.3%)
Yes MH 343 (13.7%)
Pre-existing physical health condition e
No PH 2002 (80.1%)
Yes PH 498 (19.9%)
Unpaid carer f
No 2061 (82.4%)
Yes 439 (17.6%)
Key worker
No 1911 (76.4%)
Yes 589 (23.6%)
Change of working status g
No 1025 (41.0%)
Yes 1475 (59.0%)
Dependents under 5 years
No 2310 (92.4%)
Yes 190 (7.6%)
Vaccine hesitancy h
No 2316 (92.6%)
Yes 184 (7.4%)

Note: All data are weighted. a Sex assigned at birth, b Ethnic minority includes any black, Asian or other minority ethnic group, intersectional analysis was not possible due to small samples c SEG categories A, B, C1= higher SEG; categories C2, D, E= lower SEG, d No MH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition; Yes MH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) mental health condition, e No PH = no pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition; Yes PH = pre-existing long-standing (>12 months) physical health condition, f Any unpaid caring responsibilities, g includes working from home, furloughed, reduction in paid employment, h No vaccine hesitancy includes those who have received the vaccine or intend to do so, only asked at Wave 4 and Wave 5.

Table E2: Wave 5 sample weighting compared with NRS Scottish Population 2019 data covering people aged 18+ [11]
Characteristic Weighted* (n=2500) % Unweighted (n=1213) % NRS data
Men 48.2% 51.2% 48.2%
Women 51.8% 48.8% 51.8%
18-29 years 21.8% 14.2% 19.1%
30-59 years 47.4% 47.0% 49.5%
60+ years 30.7% 38.8% 31.3%

Note:*data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population

Table E3: Wave 5 sample weighting compared with NRS Scottish Population 2011 data covering people aged 16 to 64 living in households in Scotland [12]
Socioeconomic group (SEG) Weighted* (n=2500) % Unweighted (n=1213) % ONS data
High 63.9% 67.5% 50%
Low 36.1% 32.5% 50%

Note: *data are weighted to more accurately reflect the Scottish population, SEG measure categories AB-C1-C2-DE. Higher SEG (i.e., top-half): AB = Higher & intermediate managerial, administrative, professional occupations, C1 = Supervisory, clerical & junior managerial, administrative, professional occupations. Lower SEG (i.e., bottom-half): C2 = Skilled manual occupations, DE = Semi-skilled & unskilled manual occupations, unemployed and lowest grade occupations (ONS, 2001).



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