
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15: Drug Use

This report presents findings on illicit drug use from the self-completion module of the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey. It provides data and analysis on drug use in the last month, in the last year and ever among adults aged sixteen and over in Scotla

Annex 1: 2014/15 data tables

The following tables provide data for some of the key measures of illicit drugs use. Notes on how to read and interpret these tables are given below Notes: The classification of drugs used in this report is detailed in section 1.5.

  • The definition of time periods shown are:
    Ever: at any time in an individual's life
    In the last year: in the 12 months prior to interview
    In the last month: in the month prior to interview
  • Base figures are shown in the bottom row of Annex 1 tables. Class refers to the legal classification of drugs. Composite drug groups include:
    Any stimulants: cocaine, crack, crystal meth, ecstasy, amphetamines and poppers
    Any opiates: heroin and methadone/ physeptone
    Any psychedelics: LSD, magic mushrooms and ketamine
    Any downers / tranquilisers: temazepam and valium
    Any new drugs: nitrous oxide and salvia divinorum
  • Table abbreviations:
    '-' indicates that no respondents gave an answer in the category
    'n/a' indicates that the SCJS question was not applicable or not asked in that particular year.
    '0.0' indicates an answer of less than 0.05%
    '#' indicates that base is < 50
  • Changes to classification will have affected some of the estimates presented in the annex tables. Please see section 1.4.1 for more details.


Table A1.1: Estimated number of adults in Scotland who used drugs in the last year, by drug classification, in 2014/15

Table A1.2: % of adults aged 16 or over who reported having ever used drugs, used drugs in the last year, and used drugs in the last month

Table A1.3A: % of adults aged 16 or over who reported having ever used drugs, 2008/09 to 2014/15

Table A1.3B: % of adults aged 16 or over who reported having in the last 12 months used drugs, 2008/09 to 2014/15

Table A1.3C: % of adults aged 16 or over who reported having in the last month used drugs, 2008/09 to 2014/15

Table A1.4: % of adults aged 16 or over who reported having ever used drugs, used drugs in the last year, or used drugs in the last month by gender


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