
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15: Main Findings

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15.

Table A 1.10: Perceptions of how crime rates have changed in respondents' local area over the past two years

SCJS (2014/15)

Percentages (About the same, or a little / lot less) 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2012/13 2014/15 From 2008/09 to 2014/15   From 2012/13 to 2014/15  
All 69 71 73 76 75 5.7 * -1.1
Male 73 74 76 78 77 4.1 * -1.3
Female 65 68 71 73 72 7.0 * -1.0
16 - 24 68 77 76 80 78 9.7 * -2.4
25 - 34 73 71 75 79 71 -2.2 -7.8 *
35 - 44 70 69 71 73 72 1.5 -1.1
45 - 54 68 71 73 74 75 7.5 * 0.7
55 - 64 67 68 73 75 74 6.9 * -0.6
65 - 74 68 71 73 75 75 6.9 * -0.1
75+ 69 71 73 76 79 10.2 * 2.8
15% most deprived 64 65 67 72 74 9.3 * 1.6
Rest of Scotland 70 72 75 76 75 5.0 * -1.6 *
Victim 58 60 62 65 63 6.0 * -2.0
Non-victim 72 73 76 78 77 4.6 * -1.3  

Base (11, 470)


Email: Trish Brady-Campbell

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