
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15: Main Findings

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15.

Table A 1.13: Percentage of respondents saying police in local area doing a good or excellent job, by police division, 2012/13 to 2014/15

Percentage ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ 2012/13 2014/15 From 2012/13 to 2014/15
All 61 58 -3 *
Aberdeen City 70 61 -9 *
Aberdeenshire and Moray 56 56 0
Forth Valley 64 63 -1
Fife 62 60 -2
Greater Glasgow 58 57 -1
Renfrewshire and Inverclyde 63 57 -6
Argyll and West Dunbartonshire 56 61 5
Lanarkshire 49 53 4
Ayrshire 56 54 -3
Edinburgh City 68 65 -3
The Lothians and Scottish Borders 63 55 -8 *
Dumfries and Galloway 66 57 -9 *
Tayside 67 61 -6
Highlands and Islands 69 64 -5

Base: 2012/13 (12,050), 2014/15 (11,470)

Variable name: QRATPOL (first asked in 2012/13)

Notes: 1. Question wording: "Taking everything into account, how good a job do you think the police in this area are doing??" Answer Options: 'Excellent', 'Good', 'Fair', 'Poor', 'Very Poor'.

2. Changes which are statistically significant over time, at the 95% confidence level, are highlighted with an "*".

3. Results for Police Divisions which are significantly different from the Scotland level result, at the 95% confidence level, are highlighted in bold and italics.


Email: Trish Brady-Campbell

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