
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2016/17: main findings

This report details the main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey conducted 2016-2017.

Table A1.1: Estimates of the extent of crime in Scotland (2016/17)

Estimated number of crimes Best estimate Lower estimate Upper estimate
ALL SCJS CRIME 712,000 627,000 797,000
PROPERTY CRIME 481,000 427,000 535,000
Vandalism 166,000 139,000 192,000
Motor vehicle vandalism 82,000 65,000 99,000
Property vandalism 84,000 64,000 103,000
All motor vehicle related theft 38,000 28,000 48,000
Theft of motor vehicle 2,000 # 0 5,000
Theft from motor vehicle 34,000 24,000 44,000
Attempted theft of/from motor vehicle 1,000 # 0 3,000
Housebreaking 26,000 17,000 35,000
Other household theft inc. bicycle theft 128,000 105,000 150,000
Other household theft 104,000 86,000 123,000
Bicycle theft 23,000 # 10,000 36,000
Personal theft (exc. Robbery) 124,000 92,000 156,000
Other theft 82,000 58,000 107,000
Theft from the person 41,000 # 23,000 60,000
VIOLENT CRIME 231,000 172,000 290,000
Assault 223,000 165,000 281,000
Serious assault 17,000 # 0 34,000
Robbery 8,000 1,000 15,000
COMPARABLE CRIME 448,000 382,000 514,000
Vandalism 166,000 139,000 192,000
Acquisitive crime 51,000 36,000 67,000
Violent crime 231,000 172,000 290,000
Number of respondents: 5,570

#: Use with caution – the count estimate has a relative standard error of greater than 20%.


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