
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2017/18: main findings

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2017-18 and the self-completion findings covering the period 2016-17 to 2017-18.


An errata was published on 9th March 2021 as a result of corrections made to the report:

  • In Section 9.2 (PDF page 125), the 50% figure of the proportion of those who had experienced stalking and harassment in the 12 months prior to interview who had also experienced partner abuse in the same period, instead represents the proportion of people who had experienced partner abuse in the 12 months prior to interview who had also experienced stalking and harassment in the same period and has been corrected as such
  • in Section 9.3 (PDF page 138), the proportion of those who had experienced at least one incident of partner abuse since the age of 16 and considered themselves to have ever been a victim of domestic abuse was 46%, rather than 9% as originally published. The 9% figure was mistakenly calculated as a proportion of all respondents
  • in Section 9.4 (PDF page 143 and Figure 9.16), due to an error in the calculation, the figures of the offenders relationship to the victim of serious sexual assault has been updated. Of those who had experienced forced sexual intercourse 69% said the perpetrator was a partner, rather than 56% as originally published and figures for other categories shown on Figure 9.16 have also been updated

The PDF and HTML have been updated to reflect these updates.

An errata was published on 1 July 2019 as a result of an error in Chapter 3 (PDF page 48) - the proportion of violent crime cases involving offenders aged 40 and over has NOT increased since 2008/09. The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect this change



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