
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2018/19: main findings

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2018/2019.

Table A1.3: Rates of crime in Scotland, per 10,000 households/adults, 2018/19

Crime rates per 10,000 households/adults (to nearest 10)

Best estimate

Lower estimate

Upper estimate

ALL SCJS CRIME 1,830 1,640 2,020
PROPERTY CRIME 1,460 1,310 1,620
Vandalism 620 530 720
Motor vehicle vandalism 320 260 390
Property vandalism 300 230 370
All motor vehicle related theft 140 100 180
Theft of motor vehicle 20 0 30
Theft from motor vehicle 100 70 140
Attempted theft of/from motor vehicle 20 10 40
Housebreaking 100 70 130
Other household theft inc. bicycle theft 380 310 440
Other household theft 310 250 370
Bicycle theft 70 40 90
Personal theft (exc. Robbery) 220 160 270
Other theft 170 120 220
Theft from the person 50 30 80
VIOLENT CRIME 370 270 460
Assault 360 260 450
Serious assault 30 50
Robbery 10 20
COMPARABLE CRIME 1,180 1,020 1,330
Vandalism 620 530 720
Acquisitive crime 190 140 230
Violent crime 370 270 460
Number of respondents: 5,540

Rates are calculated using NRS 2018 Households estimates and NRS Mid-2018 adult (aged 16 and over) population estimates.

¹ Figures in this table are rounded to the nearest 10. '-' here denotes a figure lower than 10.



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