Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: consultation analysis

Summary of the responses and feedback gathered during the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey consultation and associated discussion events.

10. Updates and Contacting the SCJS Team

There are a variety of ways users can hear about upcoming SCJS related activity, or contact the SCJS team. The team welcome any input and suggestions from SCJS users.

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey collection on the Scottish Government website is the home and central online presence of the survey. All new publications and data are hosted here upon release. It is also the place for SCJS participants to find out more information (including our privacy notice) under 'Interviewee Information'.

Alerts to updates on SCJS related activity (such as new publications) are circulated via ScotStat. Registered users can receive notification of new publications and related activity.

Please note that the Scottish Government moved to a new system on the 1st March 2022. While the underlying system has changed, the ScotStat branding has been retained and the new system serves the same function. Existing ScotStat users should re-register with the new system to continue to receive updates. Further information and a signup form is available at the following link: ScotStat Register: Guidance

The @SGJusticeAnalys Twitter page posts updates on SCJS related activity, and other research and statistics on crime and justice in Scotland.

Users can get in touch with the SCJS team to ask further questions or provide feedback on the survey at any time by getting in touch over email:

  • SCJS User Group

The SCJS team have established a user group to ensure that user engagement is an on-going part of each survey cycle. If you would like to become involved in the user group, please contact us:



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