Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: consultation analysis
Summary of the responses and feedback gathered during the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey consultation and associated discussion events.
11. Annex A – Citizen Space Questionnaire
Page 1: Consultation Paper
Prior to beginning the Consultation please read the associated Consultation paper.
The paper provides a brief overview of the survey, a summary of past changes and an outline of the aspects of the survey we would most like to receive feedback on.
Section 4 of the Consultation paper, 'Themes for Feedback', is especially important when answering Question 8 in the Consultation.
Page 2: Using the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) Main Findings report
The latest SCJS Main Findings report.
1. Do you use the findings from the SCJS Main Findings reports?
1a. If you answered 'Yes'. How and for what purpose do you use the SCJS Main Findings report?
1b. If you answered 'No'. Why not?
Page 3: Using the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) Excel Data Tables
The latest SCJS Excel data tables.
2. Do you use the SCJS Excel Data Tables?
2a. If you answered 'Yes'. How and for what purpose do you use the SCJS Excel Data Tables?
2b. If you answered 'No'. Why not?
Page 4: Using the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) Interactive Data Tool
The SCJS Interactive Data Tool
3. Do you use the SCJS Interactive Data Tool?
3a. If you answered 'Yes'. How and for what purpose do you use the SCJS Interactive Data Tool?
3b. If you answered 'No'. Why not?
Page 5: Using the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) data available through the UK Data Service (UKDS)
The SCJS Data available through the UKDS.
4. Do you use the SCJS data available through the UKDS?
4a. If you answered 'Yes'. How and for what purpose do you use the SCJS data available through the UKDS?
4b. If you answered 'No'. Why not?
Page 6: Aims & Objectives of the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS)
See current aims of the SCJS in Section 3.1 of the Consultation paper. At present, the survey aims to:
- enable people in Scotland to tell us about their experiences of, and attitudes to, a range of issues related to crime, policing and the justice system, including crime not reported to the police
- provide a valid and reliable measure of adults' experience of crime, including services provided to victims of crime
- examine trends over time in the number and nature of crimes in Scotland, providing a complementary measure of crime compared with police recorded crime statistics
- examine the varying risk and characteristics of crime for different groups of adults in the population
5. What do you think should be the main aims and objectives of the SCJS?
Page 7: Strengths & Limitations of the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS)
When reflecting on the strengths and limitations of the SCJS please focus on specific aspects of the SCJS as opposed to the strengths and limitations of quantitative analysis or surveys more broadly.
6. What do you believe to be the major strength(s) of the SCJS?
7. What do you believe to be the limitations of the SCJS?
Page 8: Adapting the Survey
When answering this question please refer to the 'Themes for Feedback' section of the Consultation paper, pages 14-15. To note, views on how the survey should be adapted need not be limited to the specific features discussed in the consultation paper.
Aspects of the survey we are seeking feedback on:
- the survey aims
- function as a crime survey
- sample and frequency
- new question topics
- definition of 'SCJS Crime'
- comparisons with Crime Survey for England and Wales
- SCJS and further research
- future proofing the survey
8. How do you think the SCJS should be adapted? When answering you may wish to refer to the 'Themes for Feedback' section of the consultation paper.
Page 9: Further Comments:
9. Please provide any additional comments in the box below?
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Thanks for your feedback