Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: consultation analysis

Summary of the responses and feedback gathered during the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey consultation and associated discussion events.

5. High Level Summary of Responses

All feedback and suggestions gathered throughout the consultation are valued and are being reflected on as part of the re-procurement exercise. However, the most commonly raised suggestions relate to the further disaggregation of survey data and questions on specific topic modules.

Further disaggregation of data was commonly requested. The most requested sub-groups of data can be broadly summarised as local authority area, ethnicity, and gender. Additional breakdowns such as data on those aged 16-18, those with disabilities, and other protected characteristics were also requested.

In addition to disaggregation of data, requests were made for specific question topics to be addressed in greater detail, modified, or entered as new additions to the survey. The topics most commonly referenced can be summarised as partner abuse, gender-based violence, and cyber crime.



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