Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: user workshops - summary

Summary of the feedback gathered during three user workshops on the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey held during January 2022.

3. SCJS Re-Procurement

The current SCJS contract is coming to an end in 2023 and therefore, a new contract must be put in place through a re-procurement exercise. We plan to let the contract in October 2022, with the new supplier beginning fieldwork in Spring of 2023. This process provides an opportunity for the survey to be reviewed, to ensure it remains meaningful and relevant to users.

A key aspect of the re-procurement work has been engagement with SCJS users and stakeholders to establish their take on the survey in its current form and how the survey might be adapted through the re-procurement to meet user needs. The engagement work began with a formal consultation on Citizen Space, running for 11 weeks from the 23rd September to the 9th December, alongside 4 associated discussion events. A report on this consultation period is available on the Scottish Government website.



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