Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: user workshops - summary

Summary of the feedback gathered during three user workshops on the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey held during January 2022.

8. What's Next?

We would like to once again extend our thanks to all who participated in the user workshops and throughout the SCJS consultation process. The feedback gathered has been extremely valuable - all points raised have been noted and are being considered by the SCJS team. This feedback has greatly informed the SCJS re-procurement process.

A work stream which shall review the SCJS questionnaire is due to begin in Spring 2022. The SCJS team shall re-engage with users and key stakeholders during this period.

To be alerted to upcoming user engagement, please register with the ScotStat service to receive updates. Please note that the Scottish Government has moved to a new system on the 1st March 2022. Existing ScotStat users should re-register with the new system to continue to receive updates. Further information and a signup form is available at the following link: ScotStat Register: Guidance

We would like to remind users that they can get in touch with the SCJS team at any time to ask further questions or provide feedback by getting in touch over email:



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