Scottish Crime Recording Board minutes: March 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the SCRB on 6 March 2023

Attendees and apologies


  • David Smith (Chair), Scottish Government: Justice ASD
  • Susan Carsley, Scottish Government: Justice ASD
  • Emily MacLaren, Scottish Government: Justice ASD
  • Raymond Brown, Police Scotland: Specialist Crime Division
  • Steven Meikle, Police Scotland: National Crime Registrar
  • Colin Bain, Police Scotland: Crime Registrar
  • Lynne White, Police Scotland: Crime Registrar
  • Derek Johnstone, Police Scotland: Crime Registrar
  • Angela Wood, Police Scotland: Policy, Audit, Risk and Assurance
  • Gillian Cherry, Police Scotland: Demand and Productivity Unit
  • Mark Hollinsworth, Police Scotland: Analysis and Performance Unit
  • Eamon McElroy, Police Scotland: Demand and Productivity Unit
  • Adrian Atherly, British Transport Police
  • Alisdair Burnie, British Transport Police
  • Craig Naylor, HMICS
  • Matthew Kirk, Scottish Police Authority


  • Tina Yule, HMICS
  • Huw Landrock, Scottish Government: Justice ASD
  • Lorraine Ramsey, Police Scotland: Crime Registrar
  • Fiona Roberts, COPFS

Items and actions


  • Introductions
  • Apologies
  • Actions from previous meeting
  • Police Scotland update on Improvement Plan
  • HMICS audit update
  • Regular update on roll out of new crime recording system and audits
  • Reflections on latest National Statistics publications
  • Update on recording practice for children in care pilot
  • Data on Motorcycle theft
  • Proposed coding changes
  • SCRS amendments for 2023/24
  • Any other Business
  • Date of Next Meeting: tbc


Actions arising from meeting 18:

Recommendations for Board discussion

Reflecting feedback at Board, technical Working Group to further consider the definition for Common Assault with/ without injury, prior to its implementation once the new crime management system is fully rolled out.

Outcome: Action complete. The definition for Common Assault with/without injury was agreed at subsequent Board, with implementation from 1 April 2024.

Roll out of new Crime Recording System

Over 2023, Justice Analytical Services to produce a forward planning paper which considers (i) timescales for the COS rollout, (ii) what (if any) impact this may have on the production process for the recorded crime statistics and (iii) any additional actions that may be taken in response, and how best to inform/update users about them.

Outcome: Action complete. The roll out of COS over 2023 was considered at subsequent Board.

Data on motorcycle theft

Justice Analytical Services to draft letter to Daniel Johnson MSP,  reflecting (i) the Board’s consideration of how more detailed statistics on motorcycle theft could be produced and (ii) its plan to re-visit the position once Police Scotland’s new crime recording system has been fully rolled out (given the likely opportunity this provides for more granular analysis of motor vehicle theft).

Outcome: Action complete, with letter sent to Daniel Johnson MSP.

Proposed coding changes

Following Board approval, six new crime codes for handling offensive weapons will be created. Minor changes made to wildlife offences crime codes, including removing one crime code and renaming three others and renaming two crime codes relating to the sale of tobacco and nicotine vapour products. Justice Analytical Services to inform users of this change in next National Statistics publication.

Outcome: Action complete.

SCRS amendments for 2023/24

Justice Analytical Services to publish the updated Scottish Crime Recording Standard manual.

Outcome: Action complete.

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