Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre - organisational cyber testing and exercising regime: guidance

Outlines a cyber exercising regime to enhance preparedness and recovery from incidents across technical, operational, and strategic levels. It provides guidance for the Scottish public sector, offering a structured approach to testing and exercising, tailored to an organisation's size.

Operational Level

Suggested Frequency: Quarterly to biannually

Focus Areas:

1. Tabletop Exercises: Simulate larger-scale incidents that involve multiple teams (e.g., IT, legal, communications, HR). Walk through scenarios to test coordination and decision-making processes.

2. Incident Coordination: Test the incident response plan (IRP) to ensure that different teams can work together effectively. Include communication with external stakeholders (e.g., third-party vendors, law enforcement).

3. Business Continuity Planning (BCP): Conduct drills to ensure that critical business functions can continue during and after a cyber incident.

4. Crisis Communication: Test the communication plan to ensure accurate and timely information dissemination internally and externally during an incident.


  • Understand roles, responsibilities, reporting and escalation.
  • Improve interdepartmental coordination and communication during a cyber incident.
  • Validate and refine the incident response and business continuity plans.
  • Ensure that all staff understand their roles and responsibilities during an incident.
  • Improve processes.



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