Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre: SC3 strategic plan 2024 to 2027

An overview of operating principles, functional structure, and service development plans to support the mission and objectives of the Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre.

2. Operating principles

SC3 operates in a complex and fast-moving environment and must maximise the effectiveness of the limited resources available to deliver best value and impact to the wider public sector. To do this, it needs to approach our strategic and operational activities with a framework of principles that will ensure our effectiveness. The SC3 Operating Principles are as follows:

1. Insight

SC3 will prioritise building an accurate understanding of cyber maturity and resilience across the public sector (technical and procedural controls and gaps). It will adopt data-driven approaches to target capabilities and maximise effectiveness.

“make optimal use of the data available”

2. Scale

SC3 will develop high-quality baseline services (Minimum Viable Products) that can scale up (for example via automation and self-service) to maximise impact across the community, without undermining the sustainability of these services.

“build core services which are scalable and sustainable”

3. Re-use

SC3 will maximise efficiency by identifying reusable components or services, avoiding duplication, and building relationships to identify and promote good practices, processes, standards, tools and approaches.

“leverage and apply proven methods and products for success”

4. Community

SC3 will prioritise engagement with partners and the cyber security community, in recognition of their importance to the SC3 mission, to foster community-led improvement and support while maintaining a strong feedback loop.

“build and sustain strong positive engagement”

5. Agility

In recognition of an increasingly complex and fast-moving problem space, SC3 will define clear objectives, but work in an agile way to respond quickly and effectively to changing conditions, threats, trends, and operational requirements – gaining insights as we progress.

“learn, adapt and innovate”

All activities undertaken by SC3, as part of or in addition to its core services, must ‘bake in’ these principles wherever applicable. These will be highlighted against activities on the strategic plan via the relevant icon to show where they form a key consideration.



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