Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre: SC3 strategic plan 2024 to 2027

An overview of operating principles, functional structure, and service development plans to support the mission and objectives of the Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre.

5. Delivery

5.1 Working procedures

SC3, in accordance with the Operating Principles, must be flexible and agile in its working practices as well as its service development. The centre will observe the hybrid working principles and guidance from the Scottish Government and adopt a remote-by-default approach for most regular activities but will prioritise procedural and technical security to rigorously protect all information that it collects, stores and processes.

In addition, SC3 will implement and maintain the necessary facilities (physical technical) for working above OFFICIAL and secure communication with partners and external parties where required. The credibility and trust earned by SC3 from the wider public sector is key in ensuring ongoing collaborative and maximally effective relationships, and so SC3 will ensure not only that relevant protections are in place but that assurance statements are available to demonstrate this to parties for the purposes of facilitating service and data-sharing arrangements.

5.2 Policy engagement

The Cyber Resilience Unit within the Digital Directorate of the Scottish Government is responsible for the delivery of the Strategic Framework for a Cyber Resilient Scotland.

In addition to close collaboration with CRU on policy engagement and development, SC3 also contributes to the delivery of the Strategic Framework by providing services to address outcome 3 (“Digital public services are secure and cyber resilient”) and outcome 4 (“National cyber incident response arrangements are effective”).

This strategic plan has been developed to address the requirements of the framework as well as the operational and strategic requirements identified by CRU via their ongoing policy development work. As the development and delivery of the services and functioned outlined in this plan advance, they will continue to be reviewed and refreshed in accordance with the Strategic Framework and evolving operational requirements.

5.3 Measuring value and effectiveness

The measurement of Strategic Framework outcomes is undertaken by CRU through a set of strategic indictors that have been developed internally, as well as contributory evidence and data from the public sector and partner organisations. In addition, the knowledge and understanding derived from the Standards and Insights function will be used to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of individual initiatives, as well as the broader strategic impact across the public sector.



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