Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre - vulnerability coordination: policy and procedure

Outlines the policy and procedure for Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre (SC3) to alert and, where appropriate, coordinate responses from the Scottish public sector organisations, to cyber-attacks that exploit a previously unknown vulnerability.

UK Level Coordination

4.1 SC3 works closely with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) , Cabinet Office Government Security Group (UK GSG) and UK Government Cyber Coordination Centre (GC3) to identify, alert and collate information on nationally significant cyber security vulnerabilities. A national scoring matrix is in place to determine levels of severity and impact. (the matrix has not been reproduced within this policy.)

4.2 SC3 will, where appropriate, will seek responses to enable collation and assessment of the Scottish picture to support the national risk picture. This allows the SC3 to contribute to the UK level coordination which seeks to identify a Commonly Recognised Intelligence Picture (CIRP) around the exposure to the risks and steps taken to mitigate them.

4.3 Where the vulnerability is widely discussed in the media NCSC Comms are likely to provide the lead on what media lines to take.



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