Scottish Donation and Transplant Group written update: March 2023

Written updates from the meeting of the group held on 16 March 2023.

Human tissue authority

Update given by:
•    Jessica Porter, Head of Regulation, Human Tissue Authority (HTA)

BTS Congress 2023 - Edinburgh

The HTA held a stand at the BTS Congress in Edinburgh recently. Thanks to those that came and spoke to us in person.

Jess Porter, Head of Regulation, spoke to Jen Lumsdaine and Julie Glen re issues with lack of Independent Assessors in Scotland. Jen and Jess agreed to work together to see what could be done to tackle this. More information below.

Upcoming independent assessor (IA) training

The HTA will be holding an Independent Assessors training day in April or May 2023.

The training will be held face to face in London to ensure applicants get the most out of the training by providing the opportunity to put the learning into practice by participating in practical activities.

Jess Porter is exploring whether it would be possible to arrange a training session face to face in Scotland. This would be with the intention of increasing the number of Independent Assessors accredited for Scotland, which was a concern raised at the last Scottish Donation and Transplant Group (SDTG) meeting.

Living donation

Between December 2022 and the end of February 2023, we have assessed twenty-five living organ donation cases where the transplant was due to take place in Scotland. Seven of these cases were for donors and recipients taking part in the National Kidney Sharing Scheme.

We continue to see increasingly complex cases, particularly those involving overseas donors. We encourage all transplant units to contact the HTA early in the process for advice and guidance on all cases involving an overseas donor.


Scottish Donation and Transplant Group meeting: March 2023

Scottish Donation and Transplant Group

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