
Scottish Donation and Transplant Group (SDTG) – Note of 18 November 2021 Meeting

Minutes of the Scottish Donation and Transplant Group Meeting - 18 November 2021


1. Welcome, introductions and apologies

1. Iain Macleod welcomed attendees to the meeting and introduced Shona Methven to the group, who is joining as a co-chair of one the working groups taking forward recommendations from the Donation and Transplantation Plan for Scotland

2. He also took the opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions and hard work during these challenging times.

2. Minutes of meeting of 19 August 2021

3. Iain provided updates on the action points arising from the previous meeting, which had mostly been completed.

4. Stephen Kirkham highlighted that when referring to vaccinations for transplant patients, the reference was to a third primary vaccination and not a booster vaccination.

5. Sharon Grant provided an update on action point 7, which asked for the transplant units to be considered as part of the Scottish Government's new National Workforce Strategy. Sharon advised that this is a high level, strategic plan, which does not set out operational workforce planning requirements – or reference specialist services. It was however noted that National Services Division (NSD) could link the National Workforce Strategy in their Commissioning Plan. It is expected that the National Workforce Strategy will published by the end of December and will be shared with SDTG members.

Action 1 – The Scottish Government National Workforce Strategy to be shared with SDTG members when published – Secretariat, Scottish Government

6. It was noted that there was a typo in paragraph 49 of the minutes, which will need corrected. Once that has been noted, the minutes from the 19 August 2021 meeting were agreed.

Action 2 – Typo in paragraph 49 of the 19 August minutes to be a corrected and updated minute to be sent out to members – Secretariat, Scottish Government



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