
Scottish Donation and Transplant Group (SDTG) – Note of 18 November 2021 Meeting

Minutes of the Scottish Donation and Transplant Group Meeting - 18 November 2021

6. Update on Donation/ Transplantation Activity

6.1. Living Kidney Donation

37. Jen Lumsdaine reported that living donation figures are increasing with more transplants compared to last year, which is encouraging. A webinar with Kidney Care UK, will take place on 01 December with the theme focused on kidney disease and children and young adults. In addition, there will be a series of living donation articles in the Scotland on Sunday over the coming weeks.

6.2. Paediatric Transplantation

38. Ben Reynolds reported that there had been an increase in COVID-19 rates in children which has had a negative effect, with paediatric transplantation rates 50% lower than normal. He highlighted that a patient had two surgery's cancelled, with one cancelled due to staff capacity and the other when the living donor tested positive for COVID-19. He also noted that vaccine uptake has not been good in over 12s, so this has led to challenges.

6.3. Deceased Organ Donation

39. Susan Hannah provided an overview of the current year-to-date figures for deceased organ donation, highlighting that there has been a drop in the number of eligible donors compared to the previous three years. There have been a total of 48 donors (25 DBD and 23 DCD), which shows a slight variance to previous years and there have been three missed referral opportunities, which has been an improvement on the last three years.



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