
Eating disorder services review: summary recommendations

Report and recommendations from the National Review of Eating Disorder Services.

The Vision for Eating Disorders in Scotland

Our vision for eating disorders includes the following principles:

  • There is early identification of everyone with eating disorder symptoms and clear signposting to the right level of intervention to prevent disease progression.
  • There is a whole system approach to treating and supporting those with eating disorders and their families and carers.
  • There is an emphasis on self-management and peer support available to all.
  • The physical, as well as mental, health aspects of care are seamlessly and robustly treated.
  • Specialist treatment is equitably available across Scotland, is easy to access and is focused in the community. It should be of the highest quality based on best available current research evidence and fully equitable to all and not dependent on diagnosis, weight or other severity measures.
  • All services work with people with eating disorders holistically, as individuals, maintaining hope irrespective of illness duration and other diagnoses.
  • Families and carers are given a high level of support from the start of their loved ones eating disorder, and for as long as they need it.
  • Services, including different specialties, work efficiently together to support comorbidities, putting the patient at the forefront of care.



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