Scottish Economic Insights - October 2024

Provides further analysis and insights on the economic themes presented in the monthly Scottish Economic Bulletin.


1. Economy statistics - (

2. NatWest UK Regional Growth Tracker – August 2024 | NatWest Group

3. Scottish Business Monitor, 2024 Q2 | FAI (

4. Quarterly Economic Indicator - Scottish ChambersScottish Chambers

5. NatWest UK Regional Growth Tracker report for June 2024 | NatWest Business

6. Consumer price inflation, UK - Office for National Statistics

7. Monetary Policy Report - August 2024 | Bank of England

8. Producer price inflation, UK Statistical bulletins - Office for National Statistics (

9. Economy statistics - (

10. Social Grade is a socio-economic classification. Census data uses a combined, four-way classification: AB: Higher and intermediate managerial, administrative and professional occupations; C1: Supervisory, clerical, and junior managerial, administrative and professional occupations; C2: Skilled manual occupations; DE: Semi-skilled and unskilled manual occupations; unemployed and lowest grade occupations.

11. Economic Policy Uncertainty Index

12. Commodity Markets (

13. Business and innovation statistics - (

14. Inflation Adjusted HMRC Regional Trade Statistics for Scotland Q2 2024 - (

15. Labour market statistics - (

16. Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, seasonally adjusted - Office for National Statistics (

17. Nomis - Official Census and Labour Market Statistics (

18. GDP Quarterly National Accounts: 2024 Quarter 1 (January to March) - (

19. Scottish Business Monitor, 2024 Q2 | FAI (

20. Quarterly Economic Indicator - Scottish ChambersScottish Chambers

21. Business and innovation statistics - (

22. For example, World Competitiveness Ranking - IMD business school for management and leadership courses

23. United Kingdom - IMD business school for management and leadership courses

24. World Competitiveness Ranking - IMD business school for management and leadership courses

25. Trends in Income Inequality and its Impact on Economic Growth | OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers | OECD iLibrary (

26. Intra-UK migration of individuals: movements in numbers and income, available here.

27. Labour market participation and intra-UK migration of taxpayers, available here.

28. OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report September 2024 | OECD

29. Scottish Fiscal Commission

30. FAI Economic Commentary Q3 2024 | FAI (

31. Monetary Policy Report - August 2024 | Bank of England

32. Economic and fiscal outlook – March 2024 - Office for Budget Responsibility (



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