
Scottish Economic Statistics 2008

This is the ninth edition of the annual publication Scottish Economic Statistics, which is produced by statisticians in the Scottish Government.

Article A2 Footnotes

1 Unless otherwise stated all of the figures in this article, including in Chart A2.1 above, are from the Family Resources Survey ( FRS). These figures do not match official estimates of the number of employees in low-paid work which come from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings ( ASHE). The FRS is thought to over-estimate the number of people in low-paid work but is a useful source for examining the characteristics of low paid workers as we are doing here.

2 For further analysis of the relationship between household breakdown and poverty entry, see Noel Smith and Sue Middleton (2007) 'A Review of Poverty Dynamics Research in the UK', published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and available at:

3 2007 Low-pay threshold defined as: 60 per cent of UK full-time gross median hourly pay excluding overtime.

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