
Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill Equality Impact Assessment – Results

This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) outlines the impacts of the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill on the groups in Scotland who have protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

Executive summary

The Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill proposes a number of improvements to the law affecting Scottish Parliament and Scottish local government elections. It follows a Scottish Government consultation on improvements to electoral law which ran from 14 December 2022 to 15 March 2023.

Many of the measures outlined in the Bill are administrative in nature, and the Scottish Government does not consider these to have an equality impact. An Equality Impact Assessment (“EqIA”) has been undertaken for the Bill to consider the potential impacts of those provisions in the Bill that could have an impact on people with protected characteristics, as defined in the Equality Act 2010.

Overall, the Bill promotes equality by seeking to further align candidacy rights with voting rights, and to enable pilots and funding to improve the accessibility of elections, and to increase voter registration and participation by under-represented groups. In introducing measures to discourage intimidation of campaigners, candidates, elected representatives and electoral workers it also contributes to eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation, removing barriers and encouraging participation in public life for those with protected characteristics.

The EqIA presents a range of evidence on the potential impacts of the Bill, and how these will be monitored.

A range of stakeholder views are included in the assessment, and the Scottish Government will continue to work with stakeholders including the Electoral Commission, the Electoral Management Board for Scotland (EMB), and organisations representing those with protected characteristics, including those who have already engaged with the consultation, in delivering the provisions of, and monitoring and reviewing the impact of the Bill, if enacted.



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