
Health screening: equity in screening strategy 2023 to 2026

The Scottish equity in screening strategy tackles inequalities within the screening programmes.

Appendix 4: Scottish Government Screening Inequalities Fund

The Scottish Government Screening Inequalities Fund is intended to support and deliver work on tackling inequalities in access to cancer screening services across Scotland. It is part of Detect Cancer Early (DCE) funding, a public health intervention which aims to have a significant role in preventing or identifying cancer at an early stage, to improve chances of survival.

Screening inequalities funding has been available on an annual basis since 2017. Up until 2020-2021, the fund was allocated using a bidding process. In 2021-22 the funding structure changed to a new process which supports a blend of national and local projects, with funding allocated directly to all NHS Boards.

The fund has enabled over 60 local projects, covering a wide range of settings, providers, target groups and interventions. The most recent NHS Board projects enabled by the 2022-23 funding are listed below. These are followed by many of the projects funded between 2017 and 2021. Please note, this second list between 2017 and 2021 is not definitive, instead it is a list of projects for which National Screening Oversight has been made aware of.

2022-23 Funding
Health Board Project Title Cancer Screening Programme
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Health Board clinic for cervical screening Cervical
Cervical screening outreach to areas of deprivation Cervical
Health board clinics for staff unable to access their GP practice due to shift work Cervical
Research by Jo's Trust Cervical
NHS Borders Staff member Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Reducing screening inequalities in people affected by homelessness and/or mental health issues Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Forth Valley Project title TBC Cervical
NHS Grampian Research project – barriers & facilitators Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Engaging BAME Communities Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Additional community cervical screening clinics Cervical
Service improvement Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Highland Accessible Screening Website Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Breast Screening Telephone Reminder and Support Project Breast
Screening Awareness & Engagement - Community Outreach Breast, Bowel
Raising the issue of screening with eligible people accessing smoking cessation support Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Development of National Screening Programmes CPD TURAS Module Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Project title TBC
NHS Lanarkshire Camglen Screening Community Engagement Project Breast, Cervical
VANL Community Engagement Project Breast, Cervical
Primary Care Engagement Cervical
Sexual health & cancer screening for people affected by homelessness Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Animated video brochures (purchased from NHS GGC) Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Lothian Communication campaign Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Social media to increase reach in breast screening Breast
Ethnic minority screening champion Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Access to sexual health and cervical screening for inpatients within mental health services Cervical
Young people and cervical screening Cervical
NHS Orkney Analysis of screening inequalities in Orkney Breast, Bowel, Cervical
NHS Shetland Cervical Screening Recovery Hub Cervical
NHS Tayside Intervention to Increase Uptake Breast Screening amongst individuals with a Learning Disability Breast
Telephone Intervention to Increase Uptake Breast Screening Breast
Intervention to increase uptake amongst those who screen positive and do not respond/attend colonoscopy Bowel
NHS Western Isles Screening awareness Breast, Bowel, Cervical
Pre 2022 Funding
Lead Organisation Project Name Cancer Screening Programme
NHS Tayside Reducing Inequalities: Bridging the Gap in Scottish National Cancer Screening Programmes in those Experiencing Severe and Enduring Mental Health Conditions Multiple
NHS Orkney Let's talk about cervical screening campaign Cervical
NHS Lothian Participation in the national screening programmes, cervical, breast and bowel screening make a significant impact on detecting cancer early. Multiple
NHS Lothian Regional Cervical Screening Staff Clinics Cervical
NHS Lothian Improve accessibility, reduce inequalities, and improve informed choice for those invited for all cancer screening programmes in the LD and BME women eligible screening population. Multiple
NHS Highlands An evaluation of the knowledge of frontline staff to support participation in NHS Health Screening Programmes Multiple
NHS Highland Public Health delivery of a bowel screening GP endorsement letter and FIT kit replacement service Bowel
NHS Highland Peer Led Intervention to Increase Awareness of Bowel Screening in People with a Learning Disability, their Family and Support Staff. Bowel
NHS Highland Community Champion and Volunteer Model. Multiple
NHS Grampian Making Every Opportunity Count (MeOC) model to raise conversations about cancer screening in community settings Multiple
NHS Forth Valley Cancer Screening and Inequalities Multiple
NHS Fife Increasing cervical smear uptake by vulnerable women in Fife: A pilot project using experience led co-design Cervical
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Screening Inequalities Engagement Programme (SIEP) Multiple
NHS Borders Staff cervical screening clinics pilot programme Cervical
NHS Borders Borders GP Practices Cervical Screening Services Scoping Report March 2018 Cervical
NHS Borders Waverley Medical Practice: Cervical Cancer Screening Report Activity and Interventions in 2017 Cervical
NHS Borders Continuing Professional Development Session for Public Health staff March 2018 Cervical
NHS Borders An Update Session for Lifestyles Advisor Support Service 2017 Multiple
NHS Borders An Update Session for Learning Disability Provider Forum 2018 Multiple
NHS Borders An Update Session for Learning Disability Nurses 2018 Multiple
MECOPP Chinese Cancer Screening Project Multiple
Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust Be cervix savvy roadshow. Cervical
Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust Awareness of cervical cancer and prevention among women eligible for cervical screening in Scotland Cervical
Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust Glasgow Outreach Service Multiple
Glasgow University A faith-based intervention for Muslim women in Scotland to encourage uptake of breast, bowel, and cervical cancer screening: a community based participatory approach. Multiple
Glasgow City HSCP Cancer Screening Videos/Animations for BAME Community Multiple
Bowel Cancer UK Bowel screening: tackling inequalities in uptake in adults with learning disabilities Bowel
NHS Shetland (& NHS Orkney) Working to support and better understand people with a LD/Autism and their support workers and carers Multiple
NHS Orkney (& NHS Dumfries & Galloway) Inequalities and Screening (aimed at people working with women who have experienced Intimate Partner Violence)



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