
Health screening: equity in screening strategy 2023 to 2026

The Scottish equity in screening strategy tackles inequalities within the screening programmes.

Appendix 1: Strategy Action Plan


Our vision is for equity in access for all eligible people, across the full screening pathway. To achieve this, we must make incremental steps towards delivering our six long-term outcomes. This high-level plan outlines the actions we will take over the next three years (2023 to 2026) as we begin to implement the Strategy.

Actions are set out towards achieving each of the six long-term outcomes. They apply across all six national screening programmes, unless otherwise stated. Responsible lead organisations are identified. Many of the actions will require engagement with wider partners also. Timescales are given for each action, indicating when the screening system will see a level of output over the next three years. While some actions can be taken forwards within existing resource, the progress of certain actions may depend on availability of additional resource.

We are at the very beginning of implementing the Strategy. Many of the actions identified for the first three years reflect the work needed at a national level, to then support more local action. For example, the need to improve our national communications, our national data collection, and our national IT systems. There are some actions for screening Programme Boards and NHS Boards to take forward.

The Strategy aspires to address inequalities across the full screening pathway and for all national screening programmes. Previously our national communications and data collection have concentrated on the initial screening test stage. We need to gain a better understanding of the data, resources, and processes for the later stages in the pathway, to inform appropriate actions to take in the future.

The National Screening Oversight Board (NSOB) is responsible for overseeing the implementation and delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan. An 'Equity Strategy Implementation Group' will provide NSOB with detailed assurance of this.

The action plan will be updated over the course of the Strategy and provide an opportunity for current actions to develop and new actions to be considered, for example placing a greater emphasis on equity across the full screening pathway. The National Screening Oversight team will also lead a review of the Strategy and Action Plan within three years.

Outcome 1a: All eligible people are aware of the relevant national screening programmes, understand the benefits and harms of screening, and can make an informed personal choice with regards to their engagement across the screening pathway.

Communication Methods and Resources
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
Communication methods
1.1 Develop IT systems to introduce a mechanism to:
  • Record individual's preferred communications needs
  • Support with issuing information based on needs in a choice of alternative communication types (e.g., SMS messaging)
Digital and Security (DaS), NHS National Services Scotland (NHS NSS) Year 3
1.2 Explore the use of QR codes on all national screening resources to provide a link to alternative accessible formats of information Public Health Scotland (PHS): Screening & Immunisations Team Year 1
1.3 Develop or source animations, where they do not currently exist, as an alternative format of information to raise awareness of screening PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 2
Communication resources
1.4 For cervical screening information, raise awareness that people can request for a female health professional to perform the screening test.
(Note, this is not an issue in breast screening as the test is done by female health professionals only).
PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 2
1.5 Improve awareness that national screening information in available in alternative languages e.g., adding flags or text in the relevant language. PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 2
1.6 Highlight in screening information that translation and interpretation services are available across NHSScotland services, and how people can access these PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 1
1.7 Commit to update and include inclusive imagery through the review and development of all national information resources. PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 3 / ongoing
1.8 Produce standardised national templates for:
  • 'Screening test results' and 'diagnostic test results'
  • 'Invitation to diagnostic testing'
PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 3
Engagement & targeted information
1.9 Gather information on targeted national resources:
  • Identify existing national screening resources which target under-served groups, and where gaps exist
  • Understand existing mechanisms for engaging under-served groups and representatives in developing national targeted resources, and opportunities to strengthen this
PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 2
1.10. Plan and deliver targeted screening resources and campaigns, with engagement from under-served groups PHS: Screening & Immunisations Team Year 3 / ongoing

Outcome 1b: Professionals working to support the national screening programmes are knowledgeable of the inequalities that exist across the screening pathway and use effective interventions to reduce inequalities.

Professional Knowledge and Skills
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
1.11 Establish current learning opportunities around health inequalities and screening, including access requirements for different organisations and communities, and identify any gaps or opportunities for development. National Screening Oversight Team (NSO), NHS NSS Year 1
1.12 In response to any gaps or opportunities identified above, to develop accessible learning packages to support awareness of inequalities in screening and ways to address barriers and facilitate access, for those working to support screening, including health and social care professionals, third sector and local communities. NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
1.13 Establish a professional network for those working to support screening, to share evidence, best practice and learning to address inequalities in screening. NSO, NHS NSS Year 1

Outcome 2: We have a strategic approach to identifying, addressing, and removing barriers to participants across the screening pathway.

Barriers to Screening
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
Identifying barriers
2.1 Establish a template process for equity audits at Programme Boards and at NHS Board level NSO, NHS NSS Year 1
2.2 National NHS Boards and local NHS Boards undertake and regularly review equity audits NSO, NHS NSS;
Programme Boards; NHS Boards
Year 2 / Ongoing
2.3 Ensure Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) are undertaken any time there is a significant change to a screening programme, using well established EQIA processes NSO, NHS NSS;
Programme Boards; NHS Boards
Year 1 / Ongoing
Addressing barriers
2.4 Develop IT systems to introduce a mechanism to allow individuals more flexibility in making and changing screening appointments for an initial screening test.
DaS, NHS NSS Year 3
2.5 Scope requirements for developing IT systems to introduce a mechanism to record individual's special requirements e.g., equipment such as hoist, longer appointment times, translator. Note: The breast screening programme already capture these. DaS, NHS NSS Year 2
2.6 Undertake a national audit of 'out of hours' service provision in NHS Boards, to identify differences in provision and share ways to increase flexibility of appointments NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
2.7 Undertake a national audit on information and service provision for those with additional requirements, to identify differences in provision and to share learning and best practice to support NHS Boards to respond to different needs. To include availability of specialist equipment and provision of specialist services e.g., cervical screening clinics for women with experience of sexual trauma NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
2.8 If a policy decision is made to introduce self-sampling for cervical screening, to provide support and advise to SG to consider the implications on inequalities NSO, NHS NSS; National Specialist and Screening Directorate (NSD), NHS NSS Ongoing

Outcome 3: We collect and use data on a wider range of person characteristics to strengthen our understanding of where inequalities exist across the screening pathway.

Data Collection and Use
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
Data collection
3.1 Establish what information is available for relevant participant characteristics data across screening and health systems. This will provide opportunities to plan linkages to other data sources, as well as new fields for data collection PHS: Cancer & Adult Screening Team Year 1
3.2 Informed by action 3.1, work to include relevant participant characteristics in all screening data sets, where possible, to develop a minimum inequalities dataset PHS: Cancer & Adult Screening Team Years 2-3 / Ongoing
3.3 Undertake a review current process to ensure robustness in identifying trans individuals and offer them appropriate screening tests NSO, NHS NSS Year 1
3.4 Support activities to strengthen production of national data within the Pregnancy and Newborn screening programme, and ensure inequalities data is included in this PHS; NSD, NHS NSS Year 3
Data monitoring
3.5 Develop a systematic approach and consistent process for monitoring data on screening inequalities within current governance arrangements Programme Boards, NHS NSS Year 1
3.6 Produce an annual data report on screening inequalities across the screening pathway, to measure and improve access for underserved groups PHS: Cancer & Adult Screening Team Year 2
Data accessibility
3.7 Clarify current arrangements for organisations to access data on inequalities PHS: Cancer & Adult Screening Team Year 1

Outcome 4: We ensure action to reduce inequalities in screening is evidence-based and have a robust and consistent approach to evaluating the impact of interventions.

Evidence-based Action and Robust Evaluation
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
Research & intervention
4.1 Develop a mechanism for screening programmes at both a national and local level to consider key research findings/recommendations and identify ways to incorporate them into standard practice. NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
4.2 As part of the Equity Network development, capture NHS Board informalresearch & intervention activity along with third sector activity to support shared learning NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
4.3 Deliver an annual screening research day, encompassing all screening research but with an inequalities strand, to raise awareness of research activity and results and identify gaps for future research opportunities. NSO, NHS NSS Year 1
4.4 Support research and intervention activity in both cancer and non-cancer screening programmes NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
4.5 Introduce a process for routine review of the evidence-base to identify opportunities to improve the acceptability of screening tests NSO, NHS NSS Year 1
4.6 Provide support and expertise to NHS boards around service evaluation, including identification of key components for evaluation, to support with robust and consistent evaluation of inequalities projects NSO, NHS NSS Year 2

Outcome 5: We have a whole system approach to tackling inequalities in screening. Reducing inequalities is recognised by all as a priority and is supported by the screening governance groups and the commitment of all partners.

Whole System Approach
No. Action description Responsible Lead Organisation Delivery Timeframe
Year 1: 2023-24
Year 2: 2024-25
Year 3: 2025-26
5.1 Systems are in place at national and local levels to address screening inequalities.
i) For each Programme Board to agree a process to monitor and review inequalities within the programme, and also be assured that each NHS Board is also doing this locally.
ii) Inequalities is a standing agenda item for meetings of the National Screening Oversight Board, Scottish Screening Committee and Programme Boards
Programme Boards, NHS NSS Year 1
5.2 Embed standards for inequalities within all national screening standards through development and implementation of core standards Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) Year 1
Inequalities activities
5.3 All NHS Boards have a 'screening inequalities plan' in place Programme Boards, NHS NSS; NHS Boards Year 1
5.4 Undertake a review of existing engagement arrangements with the third sector and explore ways to strengthen these relationships NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
Whole system approach
5.5 Explore opportunities for screening programmes to interact with other health and care services, for better 'joined-up care' that address common barriers in access NSO, NHS NSS Ongoing
5.6 Identify potential radical/innovative inequalities interventions and test a small number of these NSO, NHS NSS Year 2
5.7 Ensure health inequalities are embedded in discussions for future national screening programmes from the outset e.g., Lung Cancer Screening NSO, NHS NSS Ongoing



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